Obviously since there isn’t any racial strife in 312.
Obviously since there isn’t any racial strife in 312.
Sounds like he gets around.
I never said you were a Cubs fan. Just having some fun after a pretty nasty post. As far as Cubs fans being at least slightly less obnoxious than Cards fans, I can’t imagine you’ve been to many games at Wrigley or Busch in the past 20 years.
About every other troll in this series.
You think that’s something, the third largest city in the country hasn’t had a National League team in 108 years.
You’re right about the generally affable down-on-their-luck crowds until Wrigleyville gentrified in the 90's. That brought in waves of backward cap wearing, woo-hoo Cubbies bros.
Show me on this anatomically correct doll where Leitch touched all of you.
Taking the high road doesn’t get clicks.
You must have hated that jerk Bob Gibson.
Ozzie says you should lighten up Francis.
He didn’t sign with the Mets.
Doesn’t “knockout punch” mean that he was kind of, knocked out?
You and my brother. I’ve never seen a shred of evidence. What have you read?
Thank you for following me. I’m not sure how you get ‘crying’ or ‘bitching’, but people see what they want to see.
Just as bitchy, but at least on topic.
So it appears that it is occurring to said common fans is not in fact, hilarious? You’ve answered your own question.