
I, also, did not see the message and automatically think it meant rape.

Huh. I read it completely differently. I read it as don’t let someone bully you into doing something you aren’t sure about. If you want to say no to the D, then for gosh sakes, say no.

Everybody agrees that rape is a very serious crime, but not everyone shares the same definition of “rape.” Those who believe we live in a “rape culture” hold that a lot of sexual behavior that is normalized and accepted by society is actually rape.

Such a system only comes into existence when the justice department gets involved, like it did in Missoula. Prosecutors are too afraid to take rape cases to trial because they have a notoriously low conviction rate. And no prosecutor wants to have those statistics. So, part of the solution is having decent prosecutors

I understand what his suit is about. YOU are saying we should be withholding judgment for some reason A panel responsible for deciding these things heard all of the evidence and decided he was guilty. Why are we required to withhold judgment in that case?

The 30 for 30 on Duke last night was a completely different situation that does not apply to the current case at all.

I mean, that is a possibility. And public criticism in the face of false accusation is, I imagine, a terrible, terrible thing.

A panel heard all of the evidence and decided that not only did he commit a violation, but also that it was sufficiently serious to expel him. What else are we withholding judgment for?

A choice is only available if you can see it and believe it s possible. The entire purpose of indoctrination is to ensure that other options aren’t visible. It’s why these type of cults home school and insulate the children from any outside influence. It’s like when circuses use a steel chain on a young elephant to

You find a bug spray that’s 100% effective and I’ll let you test it out in a room full of infected mosquitos.

I support any and all reasons to post a link to Christian Side Hug.

LOL I had the thought but it doesn’t matter if she wrote it or had help writing it. She posted it and I’m sure she believes in it. I applaud her.

No, it’s from a woman who had a sex tape leaked without her initial consent and decided to say “fuck y’all, Ima make my paper on this” and has since become her own product. Is it one I want to buy? Not really. But I don’t condemn her for unapologetically playing the misogynistic system men and women both participate

Everything is outrage. Outrage over what this person did, outrage over what this person said, outrage over the outrage... I am done with it. Fuck it. Live and let live at this point. Everyone is problematic, no one is perfect. If Kim Kardashian wants to post a naked selfie, go for it. I don’t have to look at it. I

So I live in Houston, and people have been posting stories about this ALL DAY. The worst thing about all the posts was that there was always some asshole, usually a white cis man, who showed up to fat shame this woman, because you know any female body out there doing anything is up for discussion! *flames on the side

The frat bros *got* due process. The amount of process due varies with the situation, and students are not entitled to the level of due process an accused criminal is.

Keep in mind that was probably a negotiation tactic on her legal team’s part. Like you ask for something super high but have the real # in mind. But since the Marriot chose not to settle out of court she probably ended up getting more than what she even originally settled for

Flying spaghetti monster forbid we have any kind of authority figure who takes a strict approach to fighting racial and sexual incidents. I’m all for due process but I’d rather too tough a stance than the normal one.

Yes, because in cases of sexual assault, what’s REALLY important is the schools reputation and the “college experience” of being in a fraternity.

At least he is talking to an unbiased source about the matter.