Certainly, but why encumber your own children with a proven nom de turd?
Certainly, but why encumber your own children with a proven nom de turd?
What the...... How far down the rabbit hole did you go? That’s some “suck it, Kevin Bacon" shit right there.
“Someday, if he’s lucky, Mulaney will be too famous for that shit too.”
I get the point of this theoretically, but in my heart I believe it does not serve me or anyone else to willingly be invisible. I fight it enough in my daily life as it is.
To be fair to the English/British monarchy, every 100 years or so a new house took over so they’re not very inbred. Also, some monarchs stubbornly refused to have children (I’m looking at you, Æthelstan and Elizabeth I) or were forced out by Parliament (should’ve become Protestant, James II), which again kept things…
Everything you said about Guiliani being a dick I agree with. But unless he’s been excommunicated by the church, he is entitled to a Catholic funeral. His remarriage outside the Church is a sin, but it’s a sin like a lot of others make, including having sex outside marriage. So don’t go bashing the Church for…
HERE is what is wrong with the second cousin marriage. Rudy knew she was his second cousin, was married to her for 14 years. But he needed to dump her so he could marry his next wife. And he didn’t want to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church... nothing worse than a Catholic politician who doesn’t want to blame…
And here I thought pragmatism was a liberal trait. Turns out, both parties have obdurate ideologues that are willing to make the perfect the enemy of the good.
True that. Sanders’ supporters do not and never have owned the term progressive. And I’d wager that Tim Kaine spending 17 years fighting civil rights abuses in the courts, in addition to his missionary work in Honduras, makes him more of a progressive than Bernie.
Being a progressive means you hate Hillary? That’s news to me. I thought being progressive means fighting for progressive issues, not creating a purity test of which of those issues are necessary to be considered progressive.
Yeah I don’t get that. What is it with people who feel the need to turn a hobby or habit into a full on identity? Like I enjoy my stapler and I'm not trying to start an entire lifestyle based solely on that stapler. I don't seek out other stapler enthusiasts. Can't people just enjoy things without it consuming them?
Just thinking about pretending to be a baby is stressing me out.
This subplot is more well-developed in the book. It’s pretty great as a one-off confusing image though.
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion here, but I refuse to acknowledge “kink” as a sexual orientation.
“Then I had this moment of panic because a puppy without a collar is a stray; they don’t have anyone to look after them. [...] It’s a sad thing to say, but there’s not love from the heart in me for Colin–but what I have got is someone who is there for me and I’m happy with that.”
This doesn’t sound super healthy? If…
At this point they are just like ‘Soft cup or give up.’
Oh man, I want to make a coffee joke, but... no.
I’m a G (inching towards an H), and they are a lot. Too much. I feel your (back and neck) pain.
“But family is the most important thing in the world! They love you! You gotta forgive them!” people somehow seem to love saying to people who were abused by family.
“Ariel should ask herself what she did to make me act like I did! She’s emotionally abusing me by holding me accountable for my behavior!”