Yeah, he even wrote a book.
Yeah, he even wrote a book.
I wish I was kidding when I said I so desperately hope for the day when someone actually discovers a Yeti. Just imagine the news...IMAGINE watching t.v., reading the blogs, the be alive at such a time when something totally brand new and once thought to be a myth is actually found wandering around Nepal.…
Yeah. Especially if their ‘beliefs’ include the possibility of killing voiceless people.
In their eyes, having a dead child is better than not being ideologically pure.
You’re* entitled to an opinion. Everyone else is entitled to say that opinion’s fucking stupid, mock it relentlessly, and keep it from spreading like the mental candidia it is.
*”You” being the general you, not specifically you.
I hate that argument so much. “Everybody has a right to an opinion!” When your opinion is a stupid opinion (and/or based on things that are clearly and demonstrably false) then no, you don’t have a right to it.
As Patton Oswalt says, you have to acknowledge people’s beliefs, not respect them. He talks about an uncle who believed in Bigfoot, they acknowledged that he thought that, and had no respect for him.
Or especially ATTACK BACK when they try to do a brain dead power grab.
Like the whole remove evolution from textbooks & classrooms “discussion” should’ve been:
“WRONG! Sit the fuck down you inbred idiot! Next.”
I heard one news station say they already received the worst punishment by losing a child. It’s like people think they’ve been punished enough but they don’t realize this could still happen to their other children.
Think it’s mostly Christian Scientists (oxymoron) that renounce medical care.
Drew Curtis, founder of Fark, wrote an excellent book called It’s Not News, It’s Fark. There’s a chapter called, “Equal Time for Nutjobs,” about how the obsession with showing “every side/opinion,” just encourages people with awful/stupid/false beliefs.
Agreed. I just hope one day they realize, yes, you did let your son die. And it is your fault.
that the government and/or the medical establishment are attacking the family for their beliefs.
American Horror Story: Calabasas
That..... is not Lil Kim.
L’il Kim’s face is making me think a lot of things 🤔
They rant about Sharia Law while creating Sharia Law.
Ask North Carolina how “taking care of morality" has helped their economy...
“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”