
I'm going to open a testeraunt.

Still feeling sad for the woman fired. She might be fine being a bikini waitress but I don't blame her for not wanting to be on tv forever immortalized as one.

You keep saying that he is being "completely honest"and that's not entirely true. There's nothing wrong with an open exchange of services for sex by freely consenting adults, but the way he's gone about it is a little creepy:

If he was honest, his headline would reference that he is looking to have a sexual fantasy fulfilled, not that he is only offering a ride. To me, the main creepiness is him putting it in the wrong category, as if women should just expect to be asked to perform a sex act in exchange for a ride. What he really wants is

These are men who consider themselves against sexual assault, and are shocked to find themselves accused of it.

But having a sex tape is obviously way worse than being a rapist if you're a woman.

And Skynet will also have better rap skills.

That they're comparing Iggy's (supposed) sex tape to Bill Cosby drugging and raping multiple women over decades is appalling.

Hi Kelly! I just wanted to say that I thought this piece was wonderful :) The "fluffification" of Sisi's history is just as damaging as history casting aspersions on "evil" or "wanton" women like Catherine de'Medici, Anne Boleyn, or even Mary Magdalene. The truth (or at least what we can discover of it) is always so

I love articles like this! Thanks, Kelly.

One aside on "Mad King Ludwig": I went to Austria with my folks when I was a kid, on one of those bus tour thingies. Our guide was English, and he was very condescending about Ludwig, his mania for Wagner, his weakness, and what I now realize are sly hints about his

Proving once again that Marie Antoinette is the better of the two glamourous Austrian royals. She actually fulfilled all her duties as queen. Sat in the council and played a part in her husband's government after his mental breakdown and was generally a great queen. She was doomed by the mistakes of her grandfather in

"I often think about hitting people with my car. But that doesn't give me the right to do it."

To maybe play devil's advocate though, what about people who actually KNOW what they did is wrong and consciously try to change and atone for their actions? Don't get me wrong, Collins specifically comes off as self-serving (at least from these quotes), and I think he should have done a lot more to "atone" than go to

Your education records, including your conduct record, are not public records. Period. It doesn't matter if an institution is public or private. Krakauer can get the records if the student whose records he is requesting signs a FERPA waiver releasing that information.

You and I are always on this. Is this you essentially any time you read any reporting about student conduct in non-higher ed (shit even higher ed) media:

Yeah, how could he know? Poor boy must have been living in a vacuum. /s

A journalist who fucks?

FERPA has been like this since 1974. Educational records are private for everyone and that includes your conduct record. This does open a can of worms where your employers can become privy to the time you were written up for having a case of Natty Ice in your room without your consent.

Great article! Six nuns from the Catholic school I attended were excommunicated by the Catholic Church for their involvement in a secret group called the Army of Mary. And let me tell you, some of those sisters ROCKED! I still talk to Sister Thomas from time to time.

Judas Not Allowed to be Priests