Ashley Pomeroy

Meanwhile the characters in the game were crying inside at the injustice, the indignity of being turned into vessels of pain for the amusement of some cruel god.

A couple of the very early kung-fu games - Way of the Exploding Fist, Yie Ar Kung Fu, Brian Jacks Uchi Mata etc - aimed for a kind of realism. You could only sustain one hit and you weren't trying to kill or seriously injure the opponent. Street Fighter and its heirs were unusual at the time because they had hit

If anything the first game takes it too far - your soldiers literally can't hit the side of a barn sometimes. It's still very impressive that a turn-based game manages to capture the feeling of panic when things start going badly wrong though. Usually the first time you meet psionic enemies, or the first time you have

It's the exact same idea! But with rear projection.

Also, Ann Landers is a boring old biddy.

That was cold. And awesome.

Not funny ha-ha, as such. Or any other sense of the word. But it exists! There is that.

If only Nintendo would make a film out of Animal Crossing. It would work on two levels - amusing comedy for the kids, nightmarish existential horror for the grown-ups.

What is wrong with her face?

You do realise she doesn't write the scripts, don't you?

Beat Dis and Don't Make Me Wait were the other hits. The next album was more like Massive Attack or Jilted Generation-era Prodigy, it was decent but didn't sell.

Hey, ditto. Although Bomb the Bass had several hits in the UK - in fact Assault in Precinct 13 was apparently a lot more popular over here than in the US, although it still wasn't a major blockbuster. My parents knew about it in the 1980s, it had been on television, I think most people recognised the name.

They both have great, minimalist soundtracks - Pelham has a jazzy, brassy score that uses a twelve-tone serialism. And they were both remade. The remakes wouldn't be a good double feature.

On a tangent, when they make a digital model of an actor's body, what happens to the model? For example Eva Green. Is there a digital model of Eva Green somewhere in Hollywood? Can people borrow it?

Do you remember the whole Doge thing? Was that 2014 or 2013? I've lost track of time.

I think it's supposed to look like an illustration. Besides which, girls don't float like that.

They also did a song about the decline of radio - I can't remember the name.

This comment has aged in an interesting way.

Giraffes in a Bath.

As any fule kno, it's "Broadsword *calling* Danny Boy".