Jail used to be spelt gaol.....so I get it
Jail used to be spelt gaol.....so I get it
Such small minds....gaol...look it up
Im expecting ff versus for ps4...launch title...because its obviously been delayed for it along with last gaurdian. Remeber when announced. ....these should have been ps3 titles....
I said it wasnt a hit....not a failure
You can currently mute kinect...I would assume you can do the same. Also...mobile phones share the same concerns. ..im not sure you cant turn kinect off.....reports say you can...others no. My laptop has a camera built in..what makes that different to kinect?....can we assume both can be hacked? Also im using a touch…
You use the term monitoring with fueld assumptions. .......you assume to know the end result nof thisnused game buisiness. ....none of which has been sorted out. About this kinect nonsense. ...you can just turn it off...or put a towel over it. If it concerns you. ....then get rid of your mobile no. No?.....thought so.
Blocked used games?....or controlled? .....so much of that is assumed....and the ps4 is assmued to have its own method. Kinect stalks us?....sounds like assumption and paranoia 2 me......so very little facts. Always on?.....my wii did that...
Also the wii had more hard core titles than the gamecube.....plus all that casual stuff.......if you had both. ...u would know this....
I was talking about games becajse that is what matters 2 me...
Theu do....but if you want the new features u pay a fee...
The wii u has had some great sales.....2 the point I download titles I have already have on emulators...that is what should happen..
Wii was a gamecube.....with more games and sales...wii u is looking to be the gamecube again. Was the gamecube a flop? It wasnt a hit...we know that...
Its funny because your xprecedents are assumptions. ....oh lordy
The ps3 showing was awful.....except kilzone. They also likely have a used game fix.....and lack of features...
Oh lordy....im not going 2 argue with assumptions. ...
I have 2 move two of my consoles out of the lounge when I get a ps4 and xbox one. There is only so much you can plug into an outlet. This is a huge problem for those that buy all consoles. The worst part is...when moving my xbox into another room....I cant even have at home multiplayer between the two
A questionable title....but why should I care?...why worry about sales when it only has one true competitor. ...the ps4. ....it isn't like a lot of developers will put all thier eggs in the ps4 basket.
While paying isnt probably related....but the ps3 has the worst online updates out of the 360 and wii u. Also...the store isnt as good, tho not as bad as the 3ds shop.
Sony showed third party games and only killzone was the only next gen title shown with in game footage. ...in fact killzone is all they have over xbox.....thats it. MS said BEFORE tbe event that e3 was for the games.....if you went in expecting different....your own fault.
I must be one of the few who like the idea of dvr and game console. Tvii on the wii u? ABANDONING GAMERS!!!!!!!!!! Dvd player in my ps2? ABANDONING GAMERZ!!!!!! It is all very laughable. ..