Donkey kong country and galaxy 2 are harder than halo.....I define hardcore by difficulty. ....not blood and guns sorry
Donkey kong country and galaxy 2 are harder than halo.....I define hardcore by difficulty. ....not blood and guns sorry
I had a gamecube....and a an example. ...wik had two 3d mario games.....gamecube only had one.
I think people can see through the exaggerations and assumptions. ...and miss directions to
Also....the ps4 wont play ps3 k guess thag is going 2 collect dust as well?
Nintendo produced more hard core titles for the wii than they did for the gamecube. Higb on negative spin and not actual fact?.....sounds like the media coverages today.....some people are easily manipulated
The wii u did not take that approach. ..what?
Most people said the wii was abandoning gamerz....same thing being said here. ...what does this say about people on this site?
Ididn't listen to this with nintendo....I won't listen to this now....its laughably stupid. ...
Kotaku....when you choose terms such as "forced kinect" to describe a bundled feature. .you manipulate. Granted this event did dissapoint me (no bc.....I own all consoles. a huge issue for me)...the gaming media has been laughably incompetent and over the top. I put up with it for Nintendo (general stigma) but…
When the media uses the term "forced kinect" manipulate. ....
Im finding sony is getting far more praise over one good game.....they were bith crap really...or so so
At least they showed the console....
I was hoping illuni room was real....but overall very disappointed with sony and ms right now.......both equally boring....
Not bc? That sucks was hoping 2 have two in the house for competitive play..illumni news was fake? disappointed. gen is looking awful.... lol. Pessimism fro the fans is like a sickness. ....I hate I hate I hate........everything will dolie...blah blah. Also...the wii bombing like the dreamcast?.....more like nintendo returning to gamecube numbers....sheeesh.
With nothing really 2 be angry many people are can you bash something unkown?...a fanboy can! The ps4 wasnt that exciting for me.....hoping illumni room is real.
Are we both having the same ps3 uodates......its so bad I have put aside 15 mins for logging intk thebpsn store as updates are 2 long...
when quality the moment that is not now (tho the NSMB games will probably retire)
there was only one awful characer...two maybe....and every ff usually has at least two awful characters...
...then what happened with the gamecube? Nintendo's problem is that they continure to outsell other developers. There is a stigma that you will not sell on a nintendo platform..because all anyone wants is nintendo games...