mario galaxy 2......
mario galaxy 2......
funny, for games taht are so un-original...all of them are getting great reviews and sales...
same resolution, bigger screen....of course we want it
If so...consider me only getting the Wii U version.
i said a little...when a flap can appear behind the chin....i have the same thing. It is a popular area for fat to rest.
what is this...not sure what I have read. "UFO'S ARE ATTACKING!....but not really UFO'S, just fake ones I made up in my head...but people are going crazy about it...yeah" news worthy...must be a slow day.
you could have picked a better jaw pick....a little double chin there...
"Like many classic video game protagonists, she's intentionally silent:" Like who? Link...because link talk's....we just don't hear him...most of them are silent in that "you are the voice of them" but Chell is different, her silence pisses off we are not the voice of her...she just does not, speak.
wii U makes more sense than ps3/360
it was based off the ultimate yes
ultimate series...the only thing they did wrong....was Gwen...ugh...what they did to Gwen. Read up on the ultimate series...they might Kill Gwen/clone her.....or kill off Peter Parker! Depends how much they want to follow the comics.
...hence why the avengers movie could not use the word "mutant"
...agreed....this is a better spider man, yes.
the later batman films....tunred into a bad techno dance.
They had Gwen...and Gwen from teh comis ultimate super bad-ass. Her first day, she knifed someone. Her mother was a *unt, when her father died...he mother couldnt care less what happened to Gwen. We cared about Gwen.....the movie Gwen? Was...a mess. Awful.....Mary Jane 2.0.
Hilk was re-booted for the avengers....totally different!
ok...THIS spiderman can really be a game changer, sure the first was....average and samey. The second? Maybe they will kill Gwen? The third? Maybe...THEY WILL KILL SPIDERMAN...and the next reboot? Miles Morals
there was something broken about one was playing custom games....what is that about?
still better than "nothing announced at all" sony has with the Vita.