....this is like BBS.....and that was soooo repetitive.
....this is like BBS.....and that was soooo repetitive.
..they kind of hit the nail on the head. The E3 show for the ps vita was wrist cuttingly bad.
"As I have said, barely any guaranteed hits are actually guaranteed to be coming out" Despie your tastes, at least four of those games will be huge sellers. Two of which is more than what the ps vita will have.
lugies mansion is q4 2012
....clearly you did not read the article.....
paper mario, NSMB 2, pokemon black and white 2 and lugies mansion dark moon are not garentied hits? Come on...bravely default FF and monster hunter 4 as well. Has metacritic not been updated? I am rather sure kingdom hearts comes out in a week or two.
vus you, as the article says...nothing for psp for six weeks....not a game, who knows when a hit will arrive as well.
"hit every month" was referring to now until december.
"what is it?"
iu got bored with the narnia films....."FEELS LIKE MAGIC"...I mean, with dialogue like that...?
much better written....please....give me examples to back up such a bold claim.
pokemon has 3ds exclusive features...and you said no mario up until now. I was demonstrating that Nintendo, unlike sony, has a hit game out every month.
"Is the movie version of The Golden Compass as bad as it sounds?"No, it was very good...it was just....they changed to much of it so they did not offend the religious...you know, killing god and all.
Zelda, starfox, kid icaris...MGS, Kingdom Hearts, Heroes of Ruin and Resident Evil are all AAA games, that do not include Mario....and all are out before august. AAA upcoming titles include Bravely Default, paper mario, nsmb 2, lugie's mansion: dark moon, pokemon black and white 2 and monster hunter 4......try harder.
Golden Sun had a "to be continued" ending...and that is considered one of the best RPG's of the last decade. This is just FF hate, for the sake of it.
really? The 3DS has quite a number of good games...and is about to get a game that runs in a similar fashion to diablo 3.
"The game's been out in Europe since the middle of last moth"
you ride a bike in Kyoto. Oh how i miss Kyoto...
it is the same reaoning for kickstarter projects....so what is wrong with using that reasoning here?
of course it is inevitable. Once the internet reaches the required quality....which will happen...so yeah, duh.