Plot does not have the the same order as the story, not always. Plot is the arrangement of a story....
Plot does not have the the same order as the story, not always. Plot is the arrangement of a story....
all the maps are smaller for reach....and they specifically MADE the anniversary maps SMALLER.
I iwsh they would add environmental factors for its just, point and shoot...yawn. Also, all the new maps are too small, even the anniversary maps were smaller, consoles just can not handle what PC's were doing ten years ago
"Pray, explain how Ventus and Roxas (nearly identical characters) are sleeping inside another character?"
what exactly in the video are you confused about? If you ask questions in the form of "How did?" then you chose not to accept something. Which is different than not understanding.
The above video is very simple to understand....I think you mistake "I don't understand" with "I dont accept" and I have little respect for people who lack that kind of intelligence.
nothing, but she is one of them herself, so hard to like her for it.
the difference is she was breaking the law the with them...
how many threats to children has she made?
"But when the group changed focus away from mostly legal protests against a cult and started attacking whatever they didn't like, she switched sides.
she is Anon, she is one and the same. She claim's that she left anonymous because it became about ego, yet she says she enjoys getting the better of people who think they are "clever". She seems to be doing the exact same thing she liked doing with anon....she has no changed at all.
*What can possibly make it okay to personally trudge through Anon's garbage heap every morning? She doesn't hesitate to answer: "It's challenging. I love finding stuff. Also, it's fun to outsmart criminals who think they're clever."*
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh :D You just succesfully called a writer of Kotaku a casual gamer, this will leave a bad taste in his mouth. The truth is, a lot of us have accepted dumbed down gaming...and don't like to admit it.
but does he lift?
well, as someone else said the DS lite came only 16 MONTHS after the serves you right, if anything the announcement would be LATE.
"And now a new model ?
wow, did not know it was that in reality no announcement would be more of a surprise.
an announcement now could see it come out for the two year mark in Japan...two years after understandable...soz, but you have no leg to stand on.
It has been over a year for the 3DS, so an announcement at E3 could see it coming out at years end, which will be two years for Japan. This makes sense...two years for a re-model isn't new.
I said if we went digital, not that we were ready for it. There are problems, but needing physical possession "just cus" its not one of them.