zero, or less?
zero, or less?
i just buy digital if I can....I always bought digital with my psp games....a decision that proved the right one since the Vita does not accept UMD's.
and if we went completely digital, the carbon emission they produce would be gone...and the waste that follows. Common sense over possessions.
"I would rather have a physical copy than a digital copy any day. I feel more secure with it"
not in the next five years....most of it is because people are rather stupid and wont't "let go" but others have legitimate reasons, like internet services being restrictive.
i know right, and then...there is always space! Also, watch a documentary on carbon emmisions by factoriies....and rubbish that ends up in the ocean and accumulates in that one particular area. If we could cut out producing physical media...that makes a healthier world. in of the worst places for internet.....and I download a game in about....1hr or less......
"shows just how little Sony really gives a damn about people who rely entirely on the sale of boxed, used video games"
comparing game of thrones to the story set up of BBS is laughable. It would have been better if you splitted between three characters, but instead it asked that you start over, three times. Making it three, small mini games. It was a good HANDHELD game, but if that was on a console, disappointed emotions would arise…
BBS was the same story, three was great, but if that was the ps3 game people had been waiting for, theer would be hell 2 pay
they are doing more mario than usual...but I would love another 3D land mario
Trolling I guess, I often post religious nonsense in the vein of a nutter, just so I can know what it feels like.....
sigh, why does that woman, that woman of disgusting sin continue to walk and speak out against the very god who gave her talent?
"It's a shame they cannot see the film as the filmmakers intended.""'s a shame they saw the film, period. In all seriousness, this is China, a country so far from god he doesn't pay attention.
If the author of this hold those views, than time away from E3 and more time in development should be a good thing. You can not complain about a game being in development when you wish for it at the same time.
"Even if they somehow get everything perfect NOW, most people aren't going to even give them a second chance." I think that is the OP's point, and you highlighted brilliantly. Unjustified hate.
i love it, spit in my mouth.....yum! In all seriousness, I have spat on someone before, usually girls...cant hit them, so spit on them....but they have to have really pissed me off for that.
yes, people say FF needs to be western, the directer of SE says FF needs to be more western.................I dont agree. After playing The Last Story on my Wii, I think what is missing in FF is, irrelevant dialogue. Story elements, like a date with Yuffie, Aeris or Tifa...or taking part in a play, or putting on a…