
Pakistan spawned the Taliban with Saudi help. This is all well documented if you take the time to read credible and researched literature on the region. And a lot of it written prior to 2001!

So....not only does this serial child rapist get a stamp but now he gets a ship named after him? Yeah....congrats on how “progressive” we have become....

What? I was referring to the fact that the leak was too late to actually get a fair election this time. If this had come out 6 months ago, it might have been Sanders Vs. Trump instead of Clinton.

Agreed and OH please. Gawker medias consistent and non hypocritical position on leaking information..

So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

Any truth to the RedState report that DWS is joining Hillary’s campaign?

His first mistake was buying a 16yr old BMW.... Second was for not researching the dealer... Third if you’re that strapped for cash, why not buy something reliable that won’t cost you an arm and a leg to keep on the road?