
I’m shocked to that it almost cause no real damage, but looking closer the edge of the hood is slightly bent. Though in sure a few tabs broke on the headlight.

Yet the Toyota won’t be a broken down piece of shit in 4 years

Yet all the rubber on those horrid 70s/80s us spec bumpers saved the Ferrari from more damage.

1jz unless you want more than 450hp.

They are terorist you fucking shill

The us government is a sovereign nation with structure of laws and international obligations.

Dan I challenge you to a fight if you don’t accept it you’re a coward.

I am sure they did it over PR and not the morality of it.

Here are some of Obama and Hillary’s nice moderate rebels beheading a 10 year old child.

Understood yet shifters change, people have the responsibility to read the manual and learn their new car.

Fuck day old whit man and dem pigs BLACK lIVES MAtter!!!!

Translation:. Waaaaah our soon was too stupid to see if a giant P was illuminated on the shifter and the dash before he got out of the car. Let’s sue the car!!!!!!

But respecting a predator vet is a okay

And you defend sexual predators because it’d progressive

Also it should be noted he enjoyed young homeless teenagers , he would let them crash on his couch in exchange for himnfucking them.

You know gay people can be shit heads too, he also enjoyed sending boys to shack up with Jim Jones.

It should be noted that he was a strong advocate for Jim and almost predatory in his nature convincing the poor to join the death cult.


These tests have been known to be useless for 30 years yet the government still uses them.

Just a friendly reminder that feminism kills, it kills children who have been falsely accused of rape and their family. Why do feminist view false rape claims as a weapon?