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    For sure! i read an article in Uppx I think? Changed my whole lens. Now i'm rewatching. It was like you said, really deep

    OK, right! Does that play a part? I mean beyond sexually…

    Awee! I have hearing disability, bummer. I always miss the good!

    oh, poor Freckles. :)

    I didn't even think of that! that's tight, LOL. I'm hoping that's one reason, bc I like it! Knowing them it plays into endgame


    I thought, didn't he say he'd hug his wife b4 he got arrested? Oh he DID. :)

    No, that's not how the psychological profile game went, IMO. He thinks he's on top, she's letting him. Watch her hug him and then her hug with Axe. Saying it all without saying it.

    WENDY and AXE all the claps! So emotional.

    PS what is everyone's take on the library? The way it had all these lanes going to the same point, at the center? That overhead visual was obviously part of the story.

    it sums it all didn't it? She still not "the two of them" nor did she trust him.

    Himn ot putting out the fire, just leaving. Poetic.

    COme on, nobody was screaming "Go Albert Brooks go!"?? — Nora chasing the bus was straight out of Defending Your Life (1991) Albert and Meryl. Where of course they where all white, and get judged in this in between life or death, back to earth or go on ahead to the Great Beyond, which is what he does. Literally by

    he gets to be the unaffected pure american. symbolic of a lot.

    Glad u took the boarding school gig like it had more meaning than "we never do anything with henry, let's write him out" — but they seem to be doing well trying to make it have meaning

    yes, how WE see her. But, after Axe's 9/11 talk to Wendy about Lara, that's what got me seeing her through his eyes for a min. Like he truly sees her as this down to earth wholesome human.

    damn that is some weird shit. and i'm a leftovers fan!

    Dang, you didn't mention how awesome it was they did the "Austrailia" the movie 2.0 — you know the one with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman?! David Gulpilil is the aboriginal leader. And a chunk of the hook of the plot is about "singing" —- they even used some of the lines. SO great they did this. Now, if they'd had

    it was really odd. The sequence was stiff and made little organic sense.