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    what ideology? These guys are great. It's like the farm, but with people that are smart, not Hershel and the other weak ones, who had no idea of the world. these guys are positive..

    This is a low grade. This was fantastic. I mean from every level. Editing and direction was particularity wonderful. But it being an actual horror, and cast chemistry that is just working right now. Genuinely well-written. I loved it. C- is wild!

    I could not have written this more in tune with how I've been feeling. I needed something to root for, beyond imagery and entertainment — a soul. This ep finally gave me a glimpse. The duo is fantastic and is by far the most emotional string. And she's not calling anyone puppy!

    When you put it like that, I see what you mean. Only thing I can think of is that material stuff has never been a care for her. It's kind of a huge deal she'd realize she does care about it and what that means for her as a person, as an agent, and who she always thought she was.

    I just took it as her finally realizing how good she has it. I mean look how bad it went wrong for the other family.

    Clearly Paige marries Tuan? And eventually Phillip moves to Russia. and marries (re-marries?) Martha. LOL. Hey why not?!

    thanks! All the more reason to think this is all in his head. All of it.

    yea. cause rewatch Assassin one, ends the same. Same idea. He had to kill something to get what he wanted. He got it. Still wasn't enough

    he left the last one - sang, bc he wanted to go home. He never knows what he wants. I just don't see it as clear-cut as that.

    I took it as an addict thinking YET AGAIN this next thing will "fix" them.

    yes it makes sense I guess, they in bath, as then was kevin and Kevin, one drowning the other. Like their relationship. Toxic.

    Is that why kevin looks like Tsar in POTUS shot? It's like uncanny.

    1. Kevin talking about going off in a boat alone. /// Basically what Laurie did.
    2. Laurie said he always wanted to escape. In flashbacks he seemed depressed. In fact he always seems depressed and everything was temporary high to get thru moment to moment. WHich never made sense. Last time he sang to go home. This

    but she wasn't on the other side.

    Yea, this whole story is response to a traumatic explainable event. Everyone losing their minds, trying to make sense. I don't see any mythical story here. Sadly. I think laurie was always right

    kevin was a stop-gap. Temp medication. This is who she woulda been

    that was how i rationalized. She kept trying to fight the current. And finally left it consume her.

    yeah this ep, tho wonderfully acted, there were beats that didn't jive as normally it does. fit like a puzzle.

    Sarah: Another Biblical name. Research it. Lived 127 years old. Genesis 17:15, God changed her name to Sarah as part of a covenant….

    Well, TBH I've heard more about it as a sexual compartment, which I know little about :) But what I tend to view this story as, from one vein, has a lot to do with sexual relationship to themselves, because it psychologically overlaps. WHo they are in the sheets so-to-speak, can be who they are in life. Didn't the