All that was left is hope

Oh goodness what has happened to this country? We used to care about finding practical but effective solutions based on the science we had at the time and actually hold people accountable. We used to mock big tobacco when they tried to “prove“ cigarettes were not bad. We had win after win for labor, equal rights, and t

I don’t watch anything so painfully straight if I can help it much less “reality” TV.... But you all click baited me... I read bachelorette... secret girlfriend... got my hopes up... and no...

Just another guy who likely applied while deep in his relationship to give his narcissistic needs a boost, got accepted

Thank you so very much for sharing! One can read definitions of these terms and never truly understand what living with them is like.

I admit I relate to some of what you describe as I struggle with social anxiety, difficulty with new people or social contexts, risk aversion, ADD, overstim attacks, and self-esteem pro

I just this week after facing a serious bout of depression after a series of “issues” with men in my life or who tried to enter it I have been talking my first steps into the lesbian community. And these people are the ones that made me afraid to even admit I was.

I agree, I have the barista express and it's great. I think my only complaint is that it uses a 54mm portafilter rather than a 58mm which limits some of the tools you can use with it.  Like I wouldn't mind having a bottomless portafilter to help diagnose extraction issues. But nope those are only on the more expensive

I agree, I have the barista express and it's great. I think my only complaint is that it uses a 54mm portafilter

I find myself in a weird place on this. First let me clear I don’t care for the ugliness that comes with competition, yes it is super important and has good aspects but the bad gets really bad if not managed. And this... “fairness” when used with the word “protecting” is nothing but bigotry in disguise. My heart cries

Yes... mostly though I miss the excitement of the weekend knowing in a few hours my boyfriend would be here for the weekend. It’s funny normally I don’t seek “male attention”. (I am usually of the sort that feels they are more attractive before they get close and open their mouths.) But he umm... was umm... different

I feel that, though in my case it is emotionally more complicated. I have had two non-cosmetic surgeries in six months “downstairs” the first with a nine night hospital stay. I have found surgical recovery beyond the healing really messes my thinking up which is literally the core of my working life.

Ugh... I am not exactly big there and have always been tempted but this is the stuff that keeps me from doing it. That and them turning hard and having to be replaced every 10 years or possibly screwing up how things feel there.

I wish it was just him. I wish I could say looking back that the party Trump represents wasn’t always chipping away at the very protections and freedoms previous generations died for and demonizing others to gain more power or sometimes just in an effort to crush, marginalize, and silence those they consider less than.

I support anyone who wishes to serve with honor and sacrifice and who can do so. Though for me beyond the fact that I am too old, too visibly queer, and frankly am not convinced I have the resilience to survive the mental/emotional stress the job entails I feel it at best it would be supremely hard and damaging on a

I never eat there unless I am absolutly starving and someone pressures me to have some they have already bought. Not a huge fan of hobby lobby either. But I have no interest in protesting or getting worked up unless they have done something new and worse. It’s crappy fast food fried chicken and garbage crafts.. Avoid

Losing a claimed $24,000 in porn and sex toys, having the nerve to sue your parents after they’ve bailed you out, and all because you were stupid and didn’t keep it at a storage place... WTF?!? At a minimum if my son or daughter when they become adults brought that much into my home and I found out there would be some

No... just NO... the woman always bares the damn burden in these situations never the man, and is shamed to even have needs or be assertive in them. Biology does not determine what is “right” any more so than a creation myth justification to make women’s only purpose to serve men and make children for them. Nor does

I just don’t get these people who try to turn their own willful bigotry and ignorance into “moral outrage” that they then use to justify so much harm and cruelty. While helping people like themselves profit and gain power from spreading it. It is literally the most corrosive and disgusting abuse of power by an elected

Yes, yes, oh yes! I find as someone who finds themselves “on the other side” and finally asking what I want now that I don’t have to perform a gender role I never felt alignment with. It is a odd thing going back to entertainment and allowing self-reflection and criticism.

I don’t have a rational reason to dislike “membership medicine” but I hate it anyway and I can’t help but feel like this is more marketing and brand almost to the point of sarcastic pandering mixed with a social network like data mining of patients than it is a legitimate focus on women’s needs. I don’t know I deleted

I get it autism spectrum can be scary for a parent, it can be at its worst debilitating for the individual especially without effective guidance and support. But this crap is obsessive, cultish belief wrapped in snake oil. And is disgusting. As a parent you can become so easily drawn into doing whatever you can for

First, what they are doing in Japan is utter garbage. And while I agree there should be some reasonable hurdles to parts of transitioning that carry lasting consequences and should not be rushed into without due care, understanding, and preparation. As someone on the trans-fem side of things I had to accept sterility

Oh my goodness, I feel you. I want to say more, to share, to show empathy. But that little slice of your hell is reminding me of past experiences I would rather not express here. A thought that occured to me is if there is a pattern to this behavior maybe in this era of mini camera technology and cell phones there