All that was left is hope

The hardest part about transition for me was opening up and trusting people and then realizing that I can’t just numb things anymore. Now what I feel and share sometimes exits in ways I don’t expect in response to others (I didn’t remember that Disney thing until yesterday) and at times I have to limit exposure. But I

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to reply I had started to, my phone went crazy and then life happened. Admittedly women being the classic form of violent abuser is less common. But that should never become an open dismissal of the possibility of abuse. I remember being terrified of my alcoholic step-mother which

As a transgender woman, I grew up with the initial crop of second wave radfem TERFdom. It makes me leary everytime a woman my age or older self-identifies as radfem or lesbian. But that is not what I am here about.

I honestly understand some of her concern and that is the poison of her. I admit in my local community

PETA and Greenpeace can take beef away from me and I would just shrug...

Ugh.. I used to work nights with a man like that who would eat the nastiest “muscle building food” that I could not escape from him or the funk of it after he heated it up all night in our little 24/7 support center fish bowl... Why oh goodness why do grown men enjoy their own “stink” so much? I may only steal the

What in the living hell... Every once in awhile I like to pretend that on the whole people are kind and well intentioned. And this happens.

I am not even thinking about the rapist here... For him since this has me feeling so in love with people can we institute compulsory public “dismemberments” for him and those like

Oh goodness, fuck no... I am 6'4" and nearly 50. I might have okay legs and be thin as a rail but the only way I am getting into that is knowing it’s going to be ripped off of me by my partner in a few minutes. And for $260 I would rather have a nice fitted overcoat, a pair of boots, or since I brought up sexy time...

This is so depressing. One of the best places to go for some of my “speciality needs” is a PP clinic near me. They are already so overburdened it is hard to get in there but I am lucky unlike many in my situation. I have insurance that covers my needs and can beg and fight for quality care with other places. I could

I would never ever wear makeup that bold outside cosplay but goodness I wish there was some magic to get my ugly eyebrows to take and hold a shape like that. My hair is a bit like Cersei beautiful when it’s happy, but there is no making it do anything it doesn’t want to.

(Warning emotional tangent incoming... because

That is so kind and amazing!
As a transgirl dealing with “surgical recovery” and all the random and nerve wracking bleeding, discomfort, and learn as you go crash course in feminine care I feel this acutely. Just imagining myself in a situation where I couldn’t afford my “new needs” is terrifying, doubly so if my

Hi there Miss Mercedes! This crap is so draining, I get bigoted cis men projecting their perversions on transwomen. But the TERF arguments have always felt wierd to me, I get the general rejection of transgender identities as valid rooted in a desire to retain a us vs. them in our very biology and a sort of

Apparently I live under a rock. I don’t know anything about this or the other shows mentioned. But then again oogling was never my thing unless the person is interesting in other ways. I really should get out more this girl spends too much time at home.

Well, that took long enough though it feels hollow to me. As it doesn’t mean family, social, or workplace acceptance will get any easier. But it is progress and that makes me happy.

Oh goodness I feel you on dilators, angry vaginal walls, resistant pelvic floor muscles, bleeding, and all the infection control nonsense due to major reconstructive surgery I had down there”. And now the nerves are starting to finally say hi which isn’t always a good thing. To boot my partner is having some TBD

Ugh, this infighting. I get it I don’t care for empty rhetoric or for pitches that never deliver or were never seriously considered. I despise political games on either side. I want the whole voting system used nuked and remade to favor actual representation and diversity of ideas not winner take all that by it very

Ahhh... when stating the obvious gets you “in trouble”. Good for her landing on her feet. I wonder what was said as she exited. I would like to believe that she got a good bit of silent support.

Really my four year old has fewer tantrums than Trump and she is mostly squabbling with her brother who is frequently instigat

Please forgive me I have a confession to make. When I was a young deeply closeted white trans teen growing up in the Reagan era, in a very mixed environment that was on a good day openly hostile to me. The emotional use of us vs. them and the changing world, my changing self, and the horrors of the AIDs epidemic made

Being transgender is no more a mental illness than being homosexual, having autism, or ADD/ADHD is. It is just another wrinkle in human mental diversity that has a nasty social stigma but is neither new nor just in a “their head”. What they have found however is that medicine like hormones can help some. Also you

Oh look, wanna be or full-time dick-taters vieing to out do each other on what they do best. Oppression. Let’s start with attacking the people who can’t defend themselves as easily and make them scapegoats. Bonus points for getting the whole country to think that’s a-ok! And then the gangs of “unofficial” loyalty, puri

I am on the fence, I have had both good and bad tea but I don’t love any of it.. and coffee I can take it or leave it mostly it is meh unless loaded with so many other things like milk, sugar, flavorings, chocolate, etc it is just some vaguely bitter after taste in an otherwise good drink. And while we are at hating