All that was left is hope

My feelings on this is the author and the people in this little private community reflects I think what many transgender people suspect even supportive people think and say behind our backs. I get that choosing dramatic stories like ones were people have second thoughts can be compelling to the primarily cisgendered

I hate being that girl.... so while I am in many ways aligned with her ideas and delighted she won. What I want more than politicians like her in 2018 is to see the republicans lose every seat of theirs that is up for re-election at both federal and state levels. Just to make it harder for Donald Twitler and the

Congrats for them, any time we can get greater civil independance from the enforcement or observance of concepts religions claim or push the better.

I am still coming to terms with my relationship to the both my segment of the LGBTQA+ and the community as a whole. And I have met a great deal of very passionate people or those just doing their best to live and love in their own quiet lives. I went to TransPride Seattle on Friday with my boyfriend and a few others.

Oh this makes me so mad. These people who made these laws were fully aware that this sort of thing would happen and didn’t have the compassion to understand why it is important that we have unfettered access to safe and effective health and reproductive care. It makes my blood boil when bunch of men fake tears and

Hi there! Long time! The hormones thing was some group of TERF environmentalists in the UK trying to blame our HRT. When in reality most likely the contamination is from birth control medicine and other chemical contamination. I find myself not caring that TERFs reject me though I wish they would at least calm down on

Oh thank goodness! I am so sick of hearing the argument that the issues I deal with because of my transgender nature are a mental illness.

I read this because I thought it might be an interesting view of porn and sex. I look on this stuff as an outsider. You see I am a transwoman who has spent a lifetime hiding her identity and living in male spaces (often the more outcast/old school nerdy ones because awkward loves company) feeling like some interloper

Well, knowing you are not something is not the same as accepting and embracing. It is a bit corny but really you will know when the time comes. I always had difficulty talking about my identity with others. What helped was finding community who then both gave me help and helped me find local help. One suggestion is

Oh goodness I feel you, **VIRTUAL HUGS**
I despise the notion that sharing these things is shameful, that they are a weakness to be hidden, that we would be a burden, or somehow what we feel is not enough to need help or reach out over. It is a stupid game this minimizing of ourselves and yet we still do it.

Ugh.. I

Did I shift at all? That is hard to say I think I have always been flexible even though when I was hiding I mostly blocked it outside of my dreams. (Dream me was almost always female and seemed to have pretty terrible taste in men, though I did better with my choice in girls. Haha..) Right now I seem mostly

I wanted to follow up, thank you so much for the link. While that site itself did not help directly (Okay there are some things they watch that I would never willingly watch, like torture.) it leads me to Unconsenting Media which did so as a test I looked up the movie that triggered me most recently: 

Thank you, I will take a look. Honestly I half hope they don’t have something specific for me. As a bit of hope died when I realized that it’s more common than I allowed myself to believe.

I regret posting the first paragraph... I have been moody lately because a recent movie I watched on Netflix out of the blue had a scene in it that triggered me. It just caught me completely off guard and my strong reaction and subsequent panic attacks just talking about it has me struggling to make sense of it and

On these big marches, I get very anxious in large crowds and I am uncomfortable with the corporate funded sometimes party atmosphere I sometimes feel watching from afar. I know it is my social anxiety and fears in crowds ... which are things I am working on. In the end one’s sexuality that so many associate with these

I appreciate that, where I work it has actually not been bad after coming out. Though it seems almost amusing saying I work in IT considering the sheer volume of transgender women who seem to work in technical fields. As my 20 year marriage melted down in the same way all my romantic relationships with women thus far

Agreed, I grew up in Miami. A community I never felt comfortable in. When I hit my breaking point at 45, came out to my wife and had all that I had built crumble. I had a choice, stay in Miami alone and far from my kids. Or follow them to western Washington and embrace the growing bond I had with someone I met from

I can’t speak to the trans-masculine experience but even in liberal places with liberal businesses the career of a transgender woman can be short if she is not embraced by enough of the cis-women there. An all too common experience is sadly over bathroom use.. women who reject her will complain to sympathetic managers

Reading that just hurts. I look at myself in the midst of my own transition burning a life’s savings to find some measure of hope. To render myself as invisible to and protected from as possible the people who would hate me for being me. I admit I enjoy the privilege of living in a deep blue state and the protection

As a trans-woman who tried to repress it all through two partners and 20 years of marriage to be the cis-het kind of normal for everyone else but me. All I can say is don’t do it... talk to your partner, and if they won’t do what you need get out.. the sooner the better. Even so early in transition for myself the