All that was left is hope

I might accept that in the current budgetary environment that there is insufficient staff/funds to do a study like that. (As a sort of pay me and I would be happy to request.) But that sort of lazy reply smells like a Trump appointed official doing what he was bought and paid for.

The snarky transgirl in me wants to

These vile men who knew they were in the wrong and had no legitimate basis to get these women out of “their club” who then turned to lackeys and the police to essentially intimidate these women for them. They are obviously privileged brats and likely spineless man-children it sickens me to see how easily they were

Thanks, to be clear for me this goes well beyond my identity and the issues LGBTQ+ people face from these people. It is old men who don’t understand the issues they are deciding on, aren’t even interested in learning them who have already decided without hearing from those who do know or are impacted and seem to only

Ugh... I am so tired of these people, this hate. I wish getting these people out of office was enough. But there is a organized effort like there was against abortion to make this a “moral cause”. That my very existence is a sickness, a sin, unnatural. That being denied access to all public and private spaces, health

Oh goodness you made me giggle.

Oh goodness I am sorry.. I thankfully have thus far made the transition at work fairly painlessly. Though working from home helps. I still get dead named and usually in the same breath misgendered on occasion. Work issues come from many directions some unexpected... **HUGS** as you work this out! Sometimes religious

I am, *wink*. I got tired of my old “MadPlanetoid” account. I am glad to see you are still active as well! We will have to catch up at some point! *HUGS!* (I confess I have been a bit... moody lately. Having to vomit out my life and pain twice now to get clearance for corrective surgery.)

Oh, while I am here...

I am not against the military, but I have known people who came out when they were “protected” by the prior administration and were essentially setup to fail so that they could be kicked out for their “performance” along with a host of other bureaucratic games and not their gender. Perhaps I read the culture there

Oh Blade, now I feel like re-watching the first one and because I need more humor in my life Demolition Man. Another me another time. But honestly I am glad we got this fully integrated Black Panther rather than the standalone stuff that was always done in the past. What Wesley describes sounds interesting

I have an indulgent multi-course meal planned for my boyfriend tonight. Honestly most guys are easy.. large quantity of meat and artery destroying sides usually equals win! Get everything you can pre-prepped so its quick and easy and they will never know how you did it or was at points covered in dough and flour,

Bleh it is mid-week so it is tricky. We haven’t talked details and he is still looking for work and lives 45 minutes away. I think I will fix some fancy steak, some creamy au-gratin potato stacks, with a mixed green salad with flowers (if i can swing that) in it just so I can see his face as he noms it all.

Bleh it is mid-week so it is tricky. We haven’t talked details and he is still looking for work and lives 45

I may only be a transwoman and never truly able to understand the visceral torture these terrible people are putting these women through by pushing without any consideration of consequence their religious beliefs on another. And it seems they just to be that much more vile used their power over these women in one area

I refuse to be sucked into a discussion about the validity of religion or the never ending rants about the evils done in their name. But these people who use it to justify their bigotry grrr. As a transwoman I hate how we are being used to whip up animosity, using my freedom and rights as some pawn in a game

Thank you, I find these connections are so important especially when you are just starting, are terrified and are full of doubt. Personally looking back I think I have had it pretty easy and met so many wonderful and caring people along the way. Especially my boyfriend whose big heart reached me when all other lights

We all deserve better than these bigots who currently hold power.

I live now in a very nice blue state now, with people who for the most part treat me with kindness or at least a modicum of respect while I am in their presence. But even still the very first PCP I tried contacting when i moved here which i got from a old trans-friendly resources list shuttled me off to some third