
I think shoving slavery stories down peoples throats is a good thing. People should be constantly reminded that slavery of any kind is evil. If this were a movie about slavery in China today, Americans would be less interested.

Sure. Making something that is vauguely child-porn-ish more pallatable to americans (who are not into animation where there is a childs face on an adults naked body).

Meh. All the internet taught me is that the dumbest people have the loudest voices.

The platform may not be the problem, but 99% of twitter users use it like a spastic teen.

Try rss.

Or lying while running a marathon.


/s, but you know its coming....

Actors are paid to do a job.

He’s going to continue working. Its in the article. He’s just not going to concern himself with judemental stangers on the internet. Sort of like your comment.

Wow, you are an asshole. Did you have to work at it or does it come naturally? And you are too lazy to read an article, but youll take time to post a stupid comment. You seem like a real winner.

You sound like an asshole.

Yikes, racist douchebag alert.

The pic in the article, yes. The story is about the real mask.

She was an asshole who instigated the fight and then continued to act like an asshole in the media after. You support assholes.

Riiiiight. Google doesnt care that it flushed millions of dollars down the toilet on a gadget that no one wants to buy...

Those look normal to you?

Successful with creepy pervs.

Poor baby! Its against the constitution!!11!!1!1

You are a complete, utter, fucking idiot or a troll. Which is it?

Not to mention the fact that (at least in the bay area, ca) gangsters love to buy old cop cars to drive around in.