
Wow, you are an asshole. Did you have to work at it or does it come naturally? And you are too lazy to read an article, but youll take time to post a stupid comment. You seem like a real winner.

You sound like an asshole.

Poor baby! Its against the constitution!!11!!1!1

You are a complete, utter, fucking idiot or a troll. Which is it?

Not to mention the fact that (at least in the bay area, ca) gangsters love to buy old cop cars to drive around in.

You are an idiot.

What are you trying to say? Clarify.

This is his real face.

Wow, thats a lot of words to justify stealing. Everything you wrote you made up out of your own head. If your going to steal, just own the fact that you are a thief. So many people, especially young people, feel like digital products are not “real” since there can still be versions or copies (as you said in your own

What a hilariously stupid comment.

The only one hurting the English language is you, making up the definition of words to fit your own absurd immature agenda. Ironic, ain’t it kid?

Now playing

At least us gen x’ers had stuff like this to teach us right from wrong...

Yes. Stealing things that don’t belong to you is bad. Millennials...

I know who is still stuck in 1989! :)

In the comics there is Luke Cage who runs the Avengers. There is also Kamala Khan/Ms Marvel. Also, Ultimate Nick Fury and James Rhodes. Oh and Black Panther. These are all main characters who figure largely in the Marvel U.

She is right.

Because everyone is so used to white people saying that white lives are the only ones that matter. So people are applying that to black lives matter.

Go back to your ayn rand books, silly boy.

Try eating some real Mexican food.

Its E1M8 from Doom, originally designed by Sandy Peterson.