Try actually reading the article before posting your comments.
Try actually reading the article before posting your comments.
Nope. This is multiplayer and effects other people than the user. Gameshark was in the old days when most games were single player or local multiplayer (so the other players knew you were using game shark). Also, drug dealers found a market that needed supply. You support heroin and coke dealers too?
And Amazon probably claims ownership of anything you write using this tool.
Cool comment, bro. Doesnt take away from this article, though.
She was busy living in the playboy mansion.
The world is a sad place.
Most real humans are capable of feeling empathy.
Libtards take away the rebel flag and now swastikas? Its a war on Christmas!11!!
Nah, he was into acting before that.
Ive seen the exact same thing happening with the game, “Dream”. All the current reviews say pre-release even thought the game came out months ago.
Cos is short for Cosby. As in Bill Cosby. So, I support cause.
Oh, I dont know. Robin Williams seemed happy.
Get a life, troll.
Wooooooooosh, and you totally missed the point.
No, it isn’t.