
Maternity wards should just give out badges to men that they can flash people to show they’re legit

I’m so glad he clarified that he was the father of a daughter who was concerned about body image. That changes everything! Plus he’s not the one concerned about body image, guys! It’s his daughter. That’s his inoculation against being called a sexist perv.

Well, as I said in the original comment, 99.999999% of the calls were nothing. Which implies that .000001% were something.

“Calling the police is the epitome of escalation, and calling the police on black people for noncrimes is a step away from asking for a tax-funded beatdown, if not an execution.”

“Today I put my hand on a Bible. I wasn’t under oath when I wrote that book”. Queen.

Ma’am, you’ve fucked a lot of guys. Isn’t it possible that you accidentally fucked this guy?

“there are pictures of you all through out this book”

He’s paid for a few abortions too, I’ll wager.

He is the kind of guy that isn’t attractive to me in photos, but he is charming enough that he is very attractive when he acts.

Yes! Because people don’t point this out to gain significance, they point it out to MAKE IT STOP. If you point it out, you can prevent it from happening to others. Tony Robbins made a really dumb argument here.

Not only that, but who in the fuck *wants* to be known as the person who was raped/harassed/assaulted by a famous person? That’s not a title people aspire to. Fuck him.

“What you’re seeing is people making themselves significant by making somebody else wrong. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It just won’t make you happy. It won’t make them better. It won’t make you better.”

#metoo isn’t MAKING somebody else wrong - they already are wrong. And if he thinks “It won’t make them

Courtesy is nice, too. When you are a survivor of abuse and seethe with rage over crap like this, you may not turn into the perfect writer.

Burn in hell with your fake apology, Tony We all know that being a “he-man woman hater” isn’t cured by a brief moment of public wrath nor your publicist writing a trite “oops, I mean, I do like women” apology.

When it’s from an adult with her own television show and is meant to harass and mock a teenager who recently experienced and survived a tragedy.

It isn’t just her saying it—it is the thousands of sycophants who take her lead and THEN harrass. It’s the cool kid at school pointing out the geek and then everyone joining in.

David Hogg........take a gap year tbh.

Isn’t a 4.1 GPA an amazing thing? Or have GPAs changed since I was in HS?

I keep hearing she was ‘overwhelmed by nerves,’ etc. I think it’s more likely that she’s dealing with PTSD- puking is a common symptom especially when reliving the event. It undermines the seriousness of the situation to say she’s just got charming ‘nerves’ or ‘stage fright.’