There is small, horrible world, inside the RPG industry that few outside it or very active in it know about. Very bad men. Women covering for them. Serious crimes and abuse.
There is small, horrible world, inside the RPG industry that few outside it or very active in it know about. Very bad men. Women covering for them. Serious crimes and abuse.
Yes, I took a look at that commentary too. It sounds like someone with a chip on his shoulder and a wilfulness to project Cecilia or anyone disagreeing with him as the enemy. The original post construed one instance of saying “Gen Con” instead of “Gary Con” as a possibly deliberate smear. That’s some deep suspicion.
That Erik Tenkar sounds like a real charmer.
Although I’ve come back to add that I kind of bristle at the idea that if there is a seventh game, it was entirely invented as D&D. If you want to call this a seventh kind of game, then it’s the same kind of game that the Brontës (yes, those Brontës) were playing when they created Angria and Glass Town.
This is all very weird, and very sad. I’d love to hear his kids’ side of everything, if they ever change their minds about going on the record.
Good article, though sad... Either Gail is becoming paranoid and delusional, or she’s been continually victimized since Gary’s death. Either way, my heart aches for her.
Look, you’re never going to convince people like this that a fetus isn’t a fully developed person who can feed themselves and get a job in 2 months if only their mamma didn’t execute them.
Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.
The Passion is basically anti-Semitic, Jesus torture porn.
“Mitchell died at Hampton Roads Regional Jail...for stealing $5 worth of snacks.”
I believe he can lie.
Where is the moderation in this comments section? We’ve got people openly misgendering, passing around TERF talking points, speculating on this woman’s genitals, and more.
I’m exhausted that this conversation is still necessary and consistently making apparent how video games are often lagging way behind other media, but I’m really glad that people are still prominently having the conversation. Silence would be exactly the worst way to deal with games being horribly regressive and often…
Oh come on. Really? Peter Parker from the Raimi films?
This story makes me livid. There’s absolutely no good goddamn reason why she should be in a men’s prison. I hope the ACLU gives them hell.
YES. I was just thinking that I would 100x rather have a crying baby than blaring an Elmo cartoon on your iPad for the whole plane to hear. I just want people to observe the rules of polite society on an airplane. Crying babies aren’t really on the list of things that make for a miserable flight for me.
I would much prefer the parents of 3-13 year olds to march onto a plane wearing a sandwich board that reads “I’m aware of my responsibility to make sure my child does not kick your seat, throw food, or otherwise disturb you. Please let me know if I’m failing”
Respected buggy whip manufacturer has a few concerns about automobiles