
Over the years I’ve started becoming painfully aware of trailers like this for movies where not a single female character has a line. Or even shows up.

Gentle reminder: it’s perfectly okay to not like any given food item but it’s not okay to make other people feel like garbage because they like it.

Why are so many people so FUCKING OBSESSED with calling other people pedophiles? I don’t understand this. At all. They see pedophiles everywhere and—?!?!

Thanks! I had some spare time on my hands. Could you tell me why you took me so seriously, though?

I’m so sorry. It’s a frustrating, awful battle. When did you officially get diagnosed and get the medications? I’m on spironolactone, and on a low dose of glumetza as my sensitive stomach can’t handle much more than that. I hope you have a good, compassionate doctor now overseeing your health and well-being*. Internet

You also took my comment way too seriously. I really do need to start TyPiNg In SaRcAsM fOnT. i HaVe To DeFeNd My StAtEd DeSiRe To TrOlL ArTiClEs AbOuT hOrRoR !

G’mork is a dumb name. *pouts*

I’m glad you didn’t wait for his answer. It wouldn’t have been worth it. Ugh.


There seems to be some correlation between PCOS and eating disorders, from what research I did a few years ago when I was finally, finally diagnosed. 20 years with it, but no diagnosis because doctors couldn’t find cysts and so passed off literally every other symptom I had as being because I was fat. :-/

It’s good not to be alone. And I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through and continue to go through. I hide away from people because of my weight, too.

Thank you! I was such a sensitive little person. Still sensitive now.

Okay, first, I was kinda rambling, so I do apologise for confusing you. Those 80s movies weren’t meant to be scary, but they did have genuinely frightening aspects that did scare ME. I didn’t mean to even vaguely imply that they were horror, and that’s my bad.

There’s a little part of me that wants to start reacting to horror movies being covered the way people react to the things I enjoy (y’know, Star Wars, Marvel, that sort of thing). 36 years of horror movie fatigue and counting; I can’t get away from the darn things, they’re everywhere, getting coverage on not just

Dammit, people, kale tastes like despair! *stomps foot*

I can’t tell if you’re asking this in good faith or trolling. I hope you’re saying this in good faith and you’ll read my reply here in good faith. You’ve very much misunderstood my long-winded anecdote, the point of which was the final two paragraphs. I didn’t say a word about The Simpsons. To be honest, I’m one of

Oh, my God, some monster skinned a sky bison!

Hot damn I like this song.

The most well-adjusted kids I know are the ones whose parents took time for themselves, whether separately or together, and made sure their kids were capable of 1) playing alone; b) spending hours/days/overnight stays with aunts/uncles/grandparents; and iii) went to learning-oriented daycare.

Being evil ages you real fast?