
Lots of hugs back. I’m sorry that you lost your dad when you were so, so young, and for what you’re going through right now with your mother. It’s really not easy.

It’s not always about quantity, my dude, but also quality. My clearest memories of my dad are him at 50+; my siblings are 47 and 50. They got his good years. From my own perspective, because of the way he has aged, he has almost always been an old man. And now he’s dying. My cousins and friends are all 3 to 10 years

*hugs* It sucks. It sucks so much, I know—you’ve basically described my dad. He’s just been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, and he has spent literal years now ignoring his health, just focusing on whether or not his blood pressure was okay (which, hey, it was; his heart is actually doing great, all things

The resentment can be really intense, for all sorts of parties involved. I feel for your sister, and can’t imagine trying to raise a teenager at 65+.

That’s really quite extraordinary. I’m so sorry. I’m looking at my siblings (47 and 49 vs my 36), with a lot of anger for how much more time they’ll have had with him than I ever will now.

There are lots of seniors who, by grace of good genes or magic, are hale and hearty and spry until the very end. Aging is inevitable; but not everyone ages the same way. It can be the little things: not smoking, staying active even if it’s only a little, wearing sunglasses to stave off cataracts, etc.

Thank you for sharing your sorry. I’m sorry you lost your dad so young, younger than I am now, facing down the loss of my own dad.

I’ll admit I was speaking from a very emotional place today. My dad has just been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer after ignoring his health for... a long while. Not every 79-year-old is going to be the same, health-wise, deterioration-wise.

I wish I had any sort of good advice for you from 11 more years’ experience, but I just don’t. I’m so sorry. My mum had me at 33, but dad was 43. I was keenly aware of my parents being “old” when I was a kid, but I was probably around your age when it all really hit me. My dad was getting seniors’ discounts, and I

I, uh, well. If wildly guessing in a rude way, I’d say three options? A surprise!, a family “scandal” (raising a child’s child as your own because...?), or a second/third/etc marriage...???

I’m so sorry, for the loss of your dad and your mum’s failing health.

I’m so sorry. :(  *sends gentle hugs across the interwebs*

There’s a 10 year age gap between my parents and... ever since Dad turned about 60 it’s just gotten harder and harder on Mum. Watching him age. Watching his decline. Watching everything. She has told me to never, ever be in a serious relationship with anyone more than just a handful of years older than me. It didn’t

This use of “gaslighting” joins other words/phrases that I’m watching people use completely incorrectly when they have very specific, particular definitions, and it’s making me kind of batty. And I’m not talking about someone who says “and it was so embarrassing I literally died!”

The oldest Millennials will be 37 this year, in fact. :)

He’s definitely a Gen-Xer, being born in the 70s, but I’ll just note that Pew Research has officially declared the Millennial generation to be 1981-1996. Just searching for that link brought up a fair bit of reporting on that from earlier this year, so that might be the official word on it. Anyone born post-2000 is

My mum had a super rare medical issue—a pheochromocytoma—and while things might have been a bit frustrating (she had symptoms for almost 20 years that docs kept passing off as her being a woman of a certain age, if you catch my meaning), she still had her many, many doctor appointments covered. And then when things

He remained a dick, but eventually people stopped being outright afraid of him. I ended up going to the same high school he did and he became class president one year. He also ended up working in the same store I did (I MEAN REALLY), though I actually got hired there before he did. He stole a lot of shit from the


Thank you, too!