
Honestly, it's gotten to the point that I don't even want Michael and Jane back together. And CLEARLY, Michael still hasn't moved on. I'm waiting for the show to make Michael and Petra happen.

Hmm, do you have any idea where I could watch After the Black? It sounds interesting!

Yes, yes, THIS! So much this. Asian men are RARELY, if ever, considered as viable love interests. So just purely on that front, I would love for him to be a consideration. And Ravi really is awesome.

I loved Jerome!! I agree, he needs to come back!

Can we talk about Rahul Kohli?! With his accent and his beard and his hipster outfits? I may actually cry at having a brown dude on my television screen.

Hmmm, I totally agree with you re: the "tests". I though Rogelio and Rafael's reactions were totally justified.

Oh my goodness, YES. I never 100% understood why Jane broke up with Michael, all things considered, and I should probably go back and re-read some prior reviews and/or my own comments on them to refresh my memory. But at time, I remember feeling really sad about it while still being #TeamJane. But this episode?!!

Given where the show is at now, I totally agree. I want to see his relationships with the other people in his world being explored. And here for the affair! Not because I'm pro-affairs, but because I'm interested to see how it would play out and how they would write that. Also, his previous BF was cute, but the actor


Wow, do you really not see how offensive it is to assume a taxi driver is Indian, just because a majority of them, in your "experience", have been? You could easily have called that character out on his bullshit without potentially identifying him as the wrong nationality. Idk, I'm at work so this is rushed, but I

I mean, I have to ask, because I can't really tell myself - was there something about his accent that indicated to you that he was from India? As opposed to some other country where he might ostensibly have immigrated from?

Okay, two things. One, my reaction to Tiana having a girl on the side wasn't that Hakim was her beard, it was that she might be bisexual. Or pansexual. Etc. Second, I don't think Lucious "enlightening" Hakim about the possibilities with Tiana's girlfriend was necessarily supposed to come across as a triumph. I thought


It was definitely really hard to get through the show! I described the show to my friends as 'steeped in rejection and failed dreams'. And it's really, really hard to get through a show that deals with rejection when you are in the midst of applying to jobs, you know? But I'm glad I stuck with it. I ended up getting

OMGGG I JUST FINISHED THE SEASON ONE FINALE. I FEEL SO BROKEN INSIDE. Especially since I know Tariq is only a recurring character in S2. :((((((((

OMGGG I just started watching the LA complex. I just got to episode two of the first season, where Tariq first meets Kal. That was amazing. It made me wish for 5000 more episodes like it.

OH MY GOD. I just watched episode two of the first season, where Tariq and Kal first interact. OMG. It felt like a revelation. Why don't we get storylines like these on TV ALL.THE.DARN.TIME?!!!

This! She needs to toss Lachlan to the curb and leverage what she has on Michael to get out of this pickle with Milosh. And then maybe accidentally develop some feelings for Michael along the way.

Right, but Jane hasn't even BEEN around Michael enough to realize that. She found out that episode that he was still "waiting for her" - which was surprising to her! Michael said something this episode that really turned me off, which was to the effect that Jane's relationship with Rafael with end. I think this was

THIS!!! Jane was with him for two years. She was ready to get MARRIED to him. And now she expects him to have "moved on" at once - she's shocked that he still has feelings for her?! She literally dumped him over him lying about something that I honestly can't remember off the top of my head. Okay. But then she never