
THIS IS ME. I would be happy with either Shirley or Sheldon.

It super bummed me out. I'm also not sure how I feel about how they are handling Eliot's character.

Have you listened to Undisclosed?

Y'all need to listen to Undisclosed. Bye.

The moment between Xo and Alba was everything. Andrea Navedo and Ivonne Coll were both amazing. I deeply felt both Xo and Alba's shame, and Alba gave the perfect apology - where she didn't just acknowledge her own history and shortcomings, but acknowledged the pain she had caused Xo, and how she regretted perpetuating

My brain practically shouted "Domnhall" when I saw that question. HOW GLORIOUS AND UNLIKELY WOULD THAT BE.

Hey! So I didn't grow up in India, but I'm a South Asian who was raised in North America and let me tell you - Bollywood choreography is extremely common at engagement parties! It's essentially a rite of passage. The connotations of Rajan arranging for a dance sequence for Kala are primarily just….that he invested

Totally genuine!

Thank you for the link! My respect for him has ratcheted up after reading the article, particularly the quote above. He's doing basically the exact opposite of what Jamie Dornan did after 50 shades, where he pretended BDSM was something filthy. Not that 50 shades was so much about a romance with elements of BDSM as it

Pun intended. I'm tired. It's been a long day.

Ahh okay, thank you for setting that straight!

So actually you may have just answered one of my passing questions - are both of the actors who play Lito and Hernando straight?

Seriously! I kept thinking they were so smart to prolong the connections intensifying, to make us wait to witness two or more sensates interacting - once we had gotten to know them individually. A lesser show would have jumped right in.

SPOILERS (sorta?)

This. So much. Honestly, with everything that happens, I don't even know that *I* would have the patience or frankly, the serenity, he displayed. But I think that makes her decision and her storyline all the more complex and nuanced and I appreciate that.

Yeah, it's so interesting with him. He's definitely there to be the everyman, and I kind of dismissed him initially. But while he is a grounding factor in this intense world as we start out…. he grows on you - at least he did on me. He has this inner core of honesty - he legitimately just wants to do the right thing.

Yessssssssssssss. You nailed it. I see a lot of critics damning the show for being too confusing because it doesn't take the time to map out the mythology or explain the rules of the world to you. But that was honestly such a non-factor to me because I was too engrossed in the rich storylines, too revitalized by the

Heck yes!! And that dance sequence made me grin too! Now THAT, I thought, was a moment they did justice to.

So it's hard for me to comment on these things for two main reasons. 1) Spoilers! 2) I'm a South Asian who was raised primarily in Canada, then the United States. Me and Kala share a cultural upbringing/heritage, but the specifics of our environment are not the same. So for me to comment on the authenticity of her

I'm in love with the whole goddamn show. When I finished watching, I wanted to burst into tears. The show, to me, is about all the different kinds of love people can have for each other - how they can nurture it, foster it and corrupt it. And I have to add that the fact that there is a South Asian character on the