
This! I want the dude to be happy. WHEN is the show going to jump onboard Michael/Petra?

It's interesting that you viewed his "I'm a man" line that way. To me, that was his way of saying that his gender is not defined by his sexuality. Ie that he may sleep with other guys, but that hasn't altered the gender he identifies with, you know? I didn't think he was playing into Lucious' concept of masculinity at

Hey! I would definitely count that as significant representation and thank you so much for the recommendation! I remember hearing about this show back in the day but I never realized it featured gay characters! /runs to look up show/

I'm kind of taken aback by you saying Jamal's arc has had a "special episode" tone to it. How many gay black characters have YOU seen depicted on mainstream television to feel that way? Anyway, I really appreciated the show engaging the viewers in a conversation about deeply rooted homophobia and its effects. Lucious'

God, I teared up when Xo was praying to God. It really struck a chord with me on a couple of different levels. This is a woman praying to a God she's never felt all that connected to, in the midst of desperation. She's desperate to save her mother and so she turns to an act of faith. It just felt very real and very

THIS. I don't see the attraction in him as a character. Russell Tovey is great, but Kevin compared to Richie? Puh-leassseeee. No contest.

I don't hold the opinion that Richie bailed out on Patrick because he was confronted about his own insecurities. I think Richie admitted to his own pride while at the same time rightly recognizing that Patrick wasn't ready for a relationship with him. See: wedding day freakout, allowing Agustin to dismiss Richie, etc

Raul Castillo, man. Jesus. Just. *exhales*

Welp, maybe you have higher expectations than I do. Because I really think that as much as we, as an audience, are supposed to love Diane - Alicia is our main character. And I think they mean for us to root for her and I think that moment at the end is supposed to be an empowering one for Alicia. But agree to disagree!

Jamal and Hakeem are DYNAMITE together. Jesus. There are fantastic pairings on the show and those two are one of them.

THIS. *claps slowly*

Thank you for this comment. Jamal and Hakeem are names that stem from Arabic and I think if anything, their inclusions should be celebrated, rather than dismissed as a nod to cultural sensitivity. Certain kinds of representation are so hard-won that it flabbergasts me to see someone making light of it.


Upvotes 5000x times

You make such an excellent point! We are expected to root for Alicia in that moment. But I was very much….not.

I wrote this in response to someone else's write up of the show not five minutes ago and I just feel drained from all my angry venting, so I'll copy/paste. I think the gist of it holds up:

Ba-dum tsss! This. I'm just not that into Rafael.

Early takers for Michael/Petra? I feel like they balance each other out in a weird way. I'm not saying I'm not shipping Michael-and-Jane….I'm just saying.

Okay, so. I was judging myself for thinking that, so I'm glad it's not just all in my head. I mean - I do see where they are both coming from. But yeah - breaking off an engagement with someone and not telling them he reasons why upfront? That is a little harsh.

This! I was so disappointed he dropped the scorned father-of-the-unborn-child act. He needs scenes to help him become more three dimensional.