The efficiency of the LED lighting gives another advantage based on their low energy consumption as well, they reduce the overall burden on the electrical circuit they’re wired to.
The efficiency of the LED lighting gives another advantage based on their low energy consumption as well, they reduce the overall burden on the electrical circuit they’re wired to.
“Degreed professional looking for room to rent, shared bathroom w/ kitchen privileges, shared laundry, up to $1,500/mo.”
You have to start from some area of common ground. But through the process of clarifying questions and confirming commitments and aligning goals the opportunity is to develop a working relationship that meets both parties needs.
Also, clean your condenser coil. Dirt clogs up the airflow and results in poor heat exchange, up to the point of shutting down your unit due to high running temps. A simple gentle water spray to unclog things at the beginning of the hot season will keep things running well.
Been using a step-child of this idea for the last year. In the SoCal Inland Empire summer is often 90+ days and 60-something nights. I installed a whole house fan last year, on the really hot days I wait until it cools down then run the fan all night. Often gets the house down to 66-68 degrees by the time it heats up…
Great call, it’s an EP worth of good stuff, even if they are “culls”. Satellite Skin is killer.
Perfect summation of my experience. My kids get all ramped up telling me what this or that character means to the wider story, but really, they stand on their own just fine within Mandalorian & BoBF for the viewer not so invested.
This, so much.
Damn, David didn’t even mention rust in this blog, that Bronco really spun his cap.
So, I’m getting 20 new Futurama episodes?
Oh come on now.
The local CBS report also included a segment on the impact to the people who have packages undelivered. They pulled a couple and called the senders for their reaction to their packages fate.
Pilot vs. throwout/release is a diagnostic question. The description given makes throwout the first option for me, but doesn’t take pilot out of play.
I’ve had a very good experience w/ the Cooper AT3 as well. The best year round tire I’ve found so far for towing/hauling w/ all weather and off road capability.
Nailed it on the throw out bearing and the mounts. Good work.
Great failure analysis, I dig this kind of deep dive.
NP. I had a ‘96 2 door/2 wheel drive and took it all over the San Bernardino NF fire trails with zero problems. When I totaled the ‘96, I got this same model year in 4wd and did all the same things, except I used the 4wd on muddy trails a couple of times and in a snowstorm once. This Jeep is A-OK as it is.
Nope. David mentioned a little while back that funding fell through.