
I think “positivity culture” is kind of a secular recreation of religious responses to adversity.

“All I can offer is shelter and food. It’s not much but nobody who is my friend ever needs to fear sleeping outside or staying with someone sexually or physically abusive.”

All a lot of us can do is try to offer help and shelter when we can. I have friends in shaky/abusive living situations...all I can do is let them know they’re welcome in my home any time if they need a safe place to sleep and eat.

Ok I’m sick of this bullshit. Hillary was not a bad candidate. She was experienced, very intelligent and had comprehensive policy plans in place. Yes, she’s not an out and out feminist icon, but there’s a reason for this. Every time she did something remotely feminist during Bill’s governorship or his presidency, she

I don’t have any advice but want to offer you emotional support from afar. I’m sorry you had a terrible thing happen to you. I doubt you’re burdening those who love you and care about your wellbeing. *hugs*

Does anyone have any advice for how to stop feeling like you’ve burdened the people you love after experiencing sexual assault? I can’t be the only one who feels this way. It’s been a week since it happened, and I feel like I’ve just talked myself in circles, bothering everyone around me. I’ve got an appointment

Today I adopted these badass little girls, so I’m loving the world.

I’m drinking a beautiful (ahem bottle of) Rosé. I recently started a job at a fancy schmancy winery and get free/discounted wine by the buttload, so I’ve been quite content in my new perks. Even if it’s part time....which also works because YAY I started my own business!

I am now being PAID...PAAAAIIID to make art and

I don’t know why, but me too. I feel like hugging every one of those girls and just telling them I am so sorry, and that not all Americans are like our orange idiot-in-chief. Most of us would love to have them here and would be cheering on their robot.

Well, in defense of the current admnistration, they’re not only afghans, but also girls, and most certainly, they bleed, so much girls, so much blood, so clearly a threat. Also, insert FAKE NEWS and SAD.

Sorry, sweetie. Have some kittens.

Whoa! Vlady just can’t keep his hands out of the pies, eh?

This is trump being manipulated by the Saudis to take a side in the escalating shitte / sunni conflict, right?

Trump’s been manipulated by the Saudis to take a side in the shitte versus sunni conflict. I think this is really dangerous.

The last person who, IMO, really made the fanny pack work (Partly because she would typically be carrying high explosives in it)

Well, I have very close friends in Egypt and the “declaring Coptic Christians as infidels” part is not nearly as impactful as the fact that the corrupt Egyptian government is unable (or unwilling) to properly fight the terrorists, mostly because they are too busy arresting regime critics. There is also a rapid

You’re welcome! Get used to seeing Penny, I’m one of the main dog pic providers of SNS. There’s also Amy, one of the unofficial SNS mascots:


I didn’t see this one posted, so everyone enjoy this gif of the best Superman of all time. And no, that’s not up for debate.

As horrific as this entire screw up is, the implications are far more terrifying. Not only that it’s very possible this has a direct consequence in getting good people killed, which is bad enough and I wish there was a way we could make him answer for it; but far more significantly, what’s going to happen with the