
I don’t understand how a book can be translated into 36 languages and not be financially viable. I thought it was a bestseller. Can you write an article explaining?

Why does he get Good Friday off while the rest of the USA doesn’t? Canada (ok not Quebec) and Europe get it off. Why does a country that literally tries to force Christian values on its population not get religious holidays off?

Re the photo. I can’t understand how another woman could be against abortion. I just can’t. How can you not intuitively know that your physical autonomy, comfort and freedom of movement is more important than an embryo or fetus. I accept that pre-born babies are alive, and human. But how can you not understand the

It was maybe forgivable to pay her less in S1 when she was, as you said, unknown. But when they saw what a fucking massive hit it was they should have at least brought her up to Matt Smith’s level for S2 if only for optics’ sake. Like, come on.

It’s hard to market thoughtful and nuanced.

The most important lesson I think I ever learned from my dad is, “You don’t ask, you don’t get.” I remind myself of this during salary negotiation time, but it’s also important for relationships, career moves, and every day life.

fuck “class”. she’s trying to make real change in the industry. expecting women to be “classy” while they work hard at things is just another way of policing them.

I agree. I want to see a woman ran and controlled company to set the gold standard for how to run a company the right way.

I like the first plan better than the second, too, but for a slightly different reason: I’m betting that a bunch of the actresses who had their carers ruined or impaired by Weinstein would rather have good, new jobs on better films than they would have money settlements. Or perhaps their settlement could include

So basically they are sending a message to scientists on the direction their research should take especially if they are ambitious. And also making it harder for the media and the public to understand the full import of these reports.

Why are women held to a higher experience standard than men? Harris has more experience than Obama, and worlds more than Trump. Despite this, you have mentioned her “lack of experience” twice. Please check your biases.


You forgot to add the dumbing down of the population due to the education initiatives of this administration and how that will also help the republicans stay in power. The more uneducated people there are, the more people without reasoning skills, and the more people who are exhausted from working multiple low paying

I hate to sound defeatist but I have the same feeling today that I did back in November 2016. The fact that the republicans could do this in the dead of night, without fear, with smiles on their faces show they have no fear. They aren’t even pretending to serve anyone other than their corporate overlords.

Take it from another old broad (who’s trying to learn how to be less judgmental): I think the divine Ms. Davis is having more fun than you are...

It’s terrifying and sad and yet what are we doing to change it. I’m a bit tired of people sobbing over marine creatures then buying truckloads of Nestle candy or keeping exotic fish in their living rooms (look up cyanide fishing). If you care, speak out for public transport, avoid plastic like the plague. Look up

Dreams can come true! I’ve spent years on it. it now covers the back 2/3 of the house, there are multiple seating areas, reading nooks, etc. It’s so great for cocktail parties, game nights and just chilling. It’s where I spend most of my time. Well, it will again later tomorrow. Everything went inside for Irma and I

If you’re worried about world population growth, better to focus on global investment in women’s education. That is proven to bring down birth rates drastically without anyone being a dick about other people’s reproductive choices.

Thank you!!! I’m glad to be here (over all, not currently) and have the freedom to be myself. I’m a 36 year old divorced woman with no children, in many other places I wouldn’t be ok or safe, and I’m very grateful that I live here.

Here’s my strangley comforting existentialism that helps me get to sleep: