
Saying no because of a future, non-existent idea of a husband, who automatically has more rights than you? This isn’t the first comment I’ve seen that says this. God, it’s terrible.

I was denied health coverage in 2006 because I had an abnormal pap. I had to provide two consecutive normal results before I could get insurance. There was nothing wrong with me. It was a false positive result.

not on subject but i thought to share

Republicans: “Those Death Panels we were talking about? Surprise - it’s us!

It’s worse. This will actually undermine and depress rape reports because they’ll now be afraid to lose their coverage as a result. This is now a consequence.

I called my Republican representative’s office after because I couldn’t get through before...after my first brief point on why this bill is a tragedy what did the man on the phone interrupt me to say?

Nope. Those constituents are dumb as hammers and have the memory of a goldfish. They’re going to forget what actually happened and who did it, and then be brainwashed by Fox into blaming Democrats, Muslims, Mexicans, Obama’s wire-”tapps,” George Soros, and every black person on Earth for stealing their healthcare.

We’re going to need a bigger march.

I wonder how many Apache fellas called the hotline number about those abusive white people taking their lands and infecting their people with diseases.

Warning: venting and unloading ahead (writing in my journal wasn’t enough).

Just a straight-up vent: Anyone who is considering grad school right now with the goal of getting into higher education needs to think through it very carefully. I’ve been out almost four years. I’ve published well, I’ve been in good journals, I have a book in print, I get cited, and I even got invited to Europe

I posted this last week but I wanted to thank my fellow Jezzies for supporting me to get help for my addiction! I’m sober & doing what I need to do. Many of you helped me believe I could do it again. Thank you.

We here on the Canadian West Coast are concerned, given the fact that N Korea appears to have the aim of storm troopers and bad guys in Westerns.

Why thank you, kind person. (also-I read your user name in my mind in the voice of Sean of the Dead’s mum)

I don’t know, but thank God we didn’t let the email lady be President, amirite?

It’s similar to rape apologists. Like, “Sorry, I did this terrible, dehumanizing thing that affected you in ways I can’t even imagine, I’m sure you’ve thought about it a lot since I did it, but I’m just thinking about it for the first time right now, and realizing it was a bad thing to do. I’m so proud of how far I’ve

“Anne Hathaway was under no obligation to talk to me—in fact, given her feelings about Jezebel, she had good reason not to”

Mine would need “no child ever!” stamped on every cover. For some reason I give off a “Put a baby in me!” vibe. My bf thankfully doesn’t want children either.

I’m graduating Community College in about a month with an Associate’s in Graphic Design. What could a fledgling designer like me do for a job (preferably one that would use my skills?)

I got my dream job, and I’m moving to Washington, D.C.!!!!!!