Gee, its so simple, I can't believe no one thought of that one before!! How about making the punishment fit the crime?
Gee, its so simple, I can't believe no one thought of that one before!! How about making the punishment fit the crime?
It would be to push for drug reform/legalization. Accepting an unjust law might be the "simple" solution, but it is neither the ethical nor progressive one. One adds nothing valuable to the discussion by just saying "don't do drugs because the law is draconian and has a history and it is what it is."
I don't like them. I've never tried and likely never will. I do however have an issue with a possible death penalty for selling marijuana, considered by some nations to be on par with or less dangerous (on the whole) than alcohol. That's messed up. Stuff like meth and heroin which actually ruins lives should not be…
Doesn't in any way justify the law in the first place. I mean, what if we had a law that people wearing red will be executed. Easy solution: Just don't wear red. But why the heck have such a harsh law in the first place? What would be the point of killing someone over their clothing? How much could the government…
shame on us for not wanting an oppressive government right?
I'm not dressing it up, I'm dressing it down. Do you consider people you smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol as drug-users? Is drinking 3 cups of coffee in the morning (which I do) as drug use?
Here's an even easier solution: don't make things illegal for no reason.
You do realize that other drug is not addictive, right?
That's a simplistic, blunt attitude. Sometimes harmless things are illegal for stupid reasons. Like being gay. Or black. Or drinking alcohol (and then whoops not illegal anymore!) It's not like every law is just.
Misinformed people are the worst.
heaven forbid they make something you love illegal. coffee perhaps?? . every cop in uniform will gladly confirm they would arrest you for coffee were it illegal. since we already arbitrarily decide which substances are illegal or legal. it is not as far fetched as you think. especially if all the pot heads decide…
Easy solution: change the laws so they're not quite as fucked up.
Yeah, historically Asians had enough of narcotics. But honestly they're really cracking down on the wrong people, like opium, these drugs are imported. And guess who allows the imports? And where do they come from? I'll stop right there since I'm currently in China, but check out VICE's cover on Asian region drugs..
Not following broken laws is the only way they will get changed. I hope you understand that. If people didn't break broken laws Jim Crow would still be around, gays would still be ostracized, and people who smoke pot would still be getting arrested... oh wait.
Methinks you need to brush up on world history, or history, or step outside. But that's just me. Keep doing you.
Just because it's illegal to jaywalk doesn't give cops the leeway to shoot me in the back. It's fucking pot not murder for christs sake.
why not? Drugs is bad, distributing drugs is bad. kill one to one a million others. Case close.
I don't think the PR would be very hard to twist around in his favor. He could just say that its proof that drugs can take hold of anyone, so everyone must be super vigilant in watching their loved ones and keeping drugs out of their homes and country.
I'm pretty sure living in China is more hazardous than marijuana .. and I still haven't heard a single reason why marijuana is banned and hated by most governments.. alcohol is probably more dangerous and America repealed that (plz don't take my beer though)
execution for weed??? WEED!?!?!?'