not working

One can point at nearly every mass shooting (white shooters) in the past 20 years and point out a huge hole in your theory.

This is a red herring. It doesn't follow that because more black men are convicted of murder, per capita, than white men, we're justified in being suspicious of all black men. It's like saying that because the NBA is made up of predominantly black men, I'm justified in believing that any given black man I pass on the

That's a bullshit argument.

Oh my god you're an idiot. That was my point. They're both stereotypes. Only one is dangerous to the person being stereotyped.

Black people walking around with guns are the only reason there are any gun control laws in the first place. They were put into place because the Black Panthers were open carrying in Oakland.

Nope they won't. Americans need to stop deluding themselves into thinking the racial construct that was part and parcel of the nation's foundation is somehow, some way, one day, going to vanish. It won't go anywhere. Racism is as American as apple pie or baseball or drug addiction.

Yes, I remember the Black Panthers (1960's vintage), and they were killed for just talking about revolution.

The fact that anyone is getting shot in Roxbury or Dorchester is terrible, but unfortunately it's 1. Not newsworthy due to how common it is and 2. Not an act committed by a religious fanatic at a public event killing 2 and injuring 264, an act that fanatic planned on carrying out multiple times in other locations. If

Nah, the money will stay with the economically dominate race in America. We look at minorities as a single group but what we should do is look at those who are economically disadvantaged. If we don't do that the lower classes will be continually divided by arbitrary lines.

We can look at the history of what happens when black people arm themselves. Look at the Black Panthers in Oakland in the 60's and 70's. Ronald Raygun, while he was governor proposed and signed gun control legislation, the Mulford Act. We don't have to speculate what the result would be if black people armed

Thank you. If you're not white and open carry, chances are, things will end up badly for you the minute you step out into the streets. Black, Latino, Asian, Native American, Green, Purple, Infrared, I don't care. If you're not white and open carry, you will end up dead.

Yes. If you want to know whether we think of Blacks as Americans in the same was that we think of whites as American all you have to do is a simple thought experiment: Picture a man with a concealed weapon. Now picture him being white. Why does he have a concealed weapon? Because he's a gun-loving flag-waving

With one difference: when the Boston bomber was cornered, the media was there. Cops are capable of behaving if they're being watched, which is why all police activities in America need to be recorded. There's no reason not to, and the technology certainly exists.

"America Is Not For Black People" I've never heard it put that way before. Its right on. Unfortunately when the changeover comes, and it will come, today's oppressors will reap what they have sewn. There is a kind of karma balance to this, but it does not really help humanity advance, improve and generally stop

Not for lack of trying, they shot the shit out of the boat he was hiding in.

And that Boston bomber survived. He was on the run, a known criminal killing and injuring hundreds yet he was not mown down in the streets. I wonder what would have happened if he was black. I wonder.

And the media is complicit in this also. All the people who showed up at Ted Bundy's ranch with guns blazing were called "supporters" and the protestors in Ferguson were referred to as an "angry mob" on Saturday, 24 whole hours before any kind of looting started. Sometimes it all just seems so hopeless, and feels like

There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys. Guns aren't for black people, either.

David Simon, the creator of The Wire, often talks about how there are really two Americas—one economically viable and mostly white, the other economically hopeless and mostly black. In my experience, no place embodies this division more than St. Louis, where I've lived the past few years. You can drive north from a