not working

My Facebook feed would suggest that lack of anonymity isn't the only solution.

Don't ask for "GAMERS" to change... Lead by example... "Developers"....

not going to happen when people can hide their real identities. if that information was public most of the people playing would quiet down in a hurry.

WTF can you just do the force calculation? Why are you pussyfooting around what he experienced with "that's thousands of pounds of water"....then you say how many pounds...then you say "oh the speed was also a factor" but you don't just calculate the this is a known quantity of what he experienced it's

you are right!

So he's remaining aloof-a?

Updated the post with a fresh map broken down into smaller regions and metropolitan areas!

Fascinating. I've never thought about inflation on a state-by-state level. Thanks for sharing!

This looks disturbingly like a pro-date-rape campaign.

Ah, I see what you're trying to do, show that the police are being just as terrorized and unjustly murdered by civilians as civilians are by the police.

Wonder what the ethnic breakdown of the victims and criminals is since this whole thing has sparked racial tensions.

No - it would be an interesting comparison - the number of civilian deaths by police action, and the number of police deaths by civilian/criminal action.

My favorite part is that this project (which is great) has fewer rules than Gawker's how-to-comment-screed.

You know, just because some unknown factor caused your neurosystem to develop in such a way as to make the underlying architecture of your brain that controls how you perceive your own body in space end up being the opposite gender as the one your genitals are, thus making your own body feel deeply, profoundly wrong

Back in the real world, you're a dedicated lover of dick and hate yourself for it.

Your ass was made to party and you know it.

It crawled up your ass and died of boredom.

Only the government can censor. Sites like TC can post or not post whatever they want, they are not censoring anyone if they choose to not post their piece.

It can be quite a moneymaker. Rush Limbaugh's deal is worth $400M. It seems like McInnes is attempting the same sort of career but destroyed his frontal lobe through substance abuse so doesn't quite know when to rein it in. It's a shame, because he can be genuinely entertaining, much more so than the shock jocks he is

"Free speech" is not a shield that protects against the consequences of one's speech. The writers pulling their content from the site are to be commended – that is how this works.