
I’m sure there are some aspects of recruiting that require a certain mindset and keen eye for the sport they’re recruiting for, but the more that these kind of stories come out about unknown prospects, the more I feel like dumb luck is probably a good majority of the job.

Food and soda in a gym. Do you want Morants? Because that's how you get Morants.

Gabe, this is why I always say follow your stomach. Ignore the haters and get snacks

And for the second time in his life, OJ will be followed by the LAPD

I really need this job or I’m losing my home.

I got the job? I’m so happy I could cry! Thank you!

Well, Mozart did.

Speaking as a Swiss citizen (the home country of Richard Mille), there is nothing more Swiss than an incredibly expensive watch that tells you to be punctual about going down on someone.

He’s living rent free in a large empty space filled with regret, shame, and anxiety?

A circumcised penis does generally look better on camera, yes.

Gross. If he was this bad as an adult, I cant imagine what teenage Kellen Jr was like. You could probably break his sheets in half.

I mean, the firing into the sun bit might legitimately be.

Its a good indicator that I may be watching to much porn when just reading the words “...six amateurs...” gives me an erection.

Damn, son. Damn.

Those clowns hired the wrong guy for the job. Everybody knows who the best designated hitter is.

You think that a bunch of Deadspin commenters haven’t been on the wrong side of an athletic ass kicking? Buddy,,,

Well of course! If you can name a better game that lets you drive through Tacoma, I’d like to hear it!

It might be a sign though. Like if you murder kittens as a kid it doesn’t automatically make you a serial killer.

How does it feel to take the one shred of happiness away from overworked and overtired truckers who are probably all whacked out on black betties? For shame. 

Kevin Durant is definitely reading this.

Hope Solo sure has a lot of beef.