
Because the internet is mentally 16 and feels the need to rebel against things that are popular.

I’m glad I never cared about Clueless enough to have it ruined. Especially now that Dilbert is completely ruined for me.

Me too. He’s such a force for good in this world. He’s not perfect, but he sincerely gives a shit, and for that, I’ll be forever grateful.

Can we talk about your disdain for Black History month for a second? I’m curious. Full disclosure, I’m also black, but I’m from England, and left about a decade ago. I have no idea of the social attitudes towards BHM there now. Point is though, I’m from a different social upbringing typical of the black folk here.

I get misty. Then I get a little jealous (because my father was a garbage father and is a garbage person). Then I get happy again because my husband is an excellent father and my kids are so happy to spend time with him.


I’ve said it before but every time I see him interact with his daughters, every little in joke, cuddle, embarrassing Dad-ism, long suffering daughter eye roll, every time the pride and love he feels shines from his eyes and radiates from his grin I miss my father so much it’s like a gut punch. Lucky girls, lucky

I think I’m going to miss Malia’s side-eye most of all.

If we threw out every show with an actor or director who did something reprehensible, we would have nothing to watch.

I sort of get the sense that she was raised without whichever one of her parents was black because she seems to have ZERO clue about racial issues. It’s one thing to intelligently articulate why you don’t support black history month (I don’t either. Black history is American history and should be taught inclusive of

Why isn’t Mean Girls ruined for you but Clueless is ruined? Lohan and Dash are both pretty reprehensible people. I’m just curious because I see that opinion a lot.

Raven Simone in 10 years. I’m calling it now, though she seems to be on a fast track.

A few years ago she was happy to be black, when she was being featured on the cover of black magazines and on black shows on a black network.

Point is, why are we such cunts to people who turn their thinking around or wake up finally? Sure for 23 years he was clueless but now he isn't .

This is Ex. 4080 of people on the internet, ostensibly committed to ending racism or sexism, being far more concerned with scoring Good Person points and proving that they’re in the Good Person in-group than actually doing anything about racism or sexism.

This is a rare feeling for me, but does he really deserve this level of vitriol? Like I get it, his tweets were incredibly naive and definitely speak to the cloud of privilege he must have lived in his entire life, but also the fact that he was disturbed by what he saw suggests to me that he has at least a shred of

“women control their bodies, not the government”

With like, the added douchiness of “I just can’t remember those wacky brown-people names”.