
I know!

THIS. The whole article is a veiled tantrum about 25 year old women not being interested in them anymore. If they cared so much about having a family they could marry a woman their age, take all the money they earned focusing on career, and use alternative avenues for creating a family

pondering his next move: Call up his friends who all have kids are in for the night? Or venture out alone, “grab a girl,” have sex—only to wake up with a ragingly unproductive headache in the morning?

So ugh.

Celebrities become overexposed thanks to us. Then when mission is accomplished, we shit all over them for being everywhere.

She’s said some really shitty things, and as far as I know, has never apologized for any of them.

They would be a scorching couple, you must admit.

When you play Cookie...

It’s been stated numerous times already but he wasn’t using his phone as a translator he was taking pics and video of her while she was trying to answer his questions. He said it himself on Twitter.

She was hardly a bitch. You don’t look at pictures on your phone when talking to someone. Calling a woman a bitch is very misogynist.

Yeah, but does that mean she should be hated until the end of times? It’s not like she took a sword, chopped off the man’s head and placed it on a stake as a warning to others to not look at their phones while talking to her.

Yes. More and more I am skipping well-reviewed movies if they look like they are bro-fests. At this point in time, unless the film has a specific narrative rationale for being overwhelmingly male, I say no - I have no patience for gender segregation / making women invisible.

“Ohhhhh they’re compensated...” Jeff says with a wink. “But really, I was trying to figure out a way to make money like our fearless leader Trump. I didn’t want to be a loser. So I thought a good business idea should combine all the things you love. And I love freedom,” he say sweating. “And I love little girls.

excited about the xojane “It Happened to Me” post one of these girls will write in 15 years.

There is only one thing we can predict with certainty about any presidential candidate, and that’s what type of Supreme Court appointments they will make. I know I will support Hillary’s and Bernie’s appointments, so I have no qualms using gender as the tie breaker.

We also have a traditional cultural narrative in the US that mom’s are supposed to do all the heavy lifting as parents and men just step in when they need to. This means that often women are the “controlling” parent...not because they are harpies, but because the father is abdicating his daily role.

If someone asks you over and over if they can put their penis inside you, and you keep saying no, and then they do it anyway and you don’t fight them off, that’s totally cool with you, right? Because that’s rape. Taking out the garbage is not rape. Eating candy is not rape. An unwelcome penis inside you is rape.

YES. I call this “rape by attrition.” There are men who’ve learned they can force women—or anyone—to do whatever they want, simply by being relentlessly persistent. They’re like predators who wound their prey and follow it until it succumbs to exhaustion and blood loss. These fuckers have made passive-aggression work

Yeah. Men need to start valuing that a woman will carry that experience for the rest of her life. That it may cause her difficulty in relationships, flashbacks, etc. I don’t know how anyone can really question whether one more orgasm is worth causing that.