Actually, gay weddings are not a political issue. They are a constitutional right.
Actually, gay weddings are not a political issue. They are a constitutional right.
Yeah, footinmouth is spewing the same tired libertarian crap that calls for the dissolution of civil rights protections because States Rights and Small Government and Liberty and Property and Taxes and Ayn Rand. It’s a way of artificially distancing themselves from bigoted, vitriolic right-wingers, while still…
Apples and oranges.
Sigh. OK. Here we go.
You are reeeeaaaalllly reaching here. And you’re still grasping at pure air.
That’s like saying “they don’t offer interracial wedding cakes” just because they’ve never provided one for an interracial couple before. The fact that the cake is for an interracial couple doesn’t make it an “interracial wedding cake” any more than a cake for a gay couple makes it a “gay wedding cake.”
Pretty sure no one is asking for gay flowers. Just flowers of any sexual orientation, or lack thereof, in the same way that flowers would be provided to a hetero wedding. The product in question is wedding flowers. Not sure if you’ve been to any same-sex weddings (though it sure doesn’t sound like it), but you may be…
To deny service to an individual because you don’t like that individual is not discrimination. To deny service to an individual based upon their race/sex/ethnicity/national origin/sexual orientation etc. is discrimination. Just don’t practice discrimination and you’ll be fine.
Just as long as they don’t make a sex tape. That shit would be like the videotape in The Ring. I’m sure of it.
“Does nobody act like a grown-up any longer?”
Just because you don’t follow the Westboro Baptist Church on twitter does not mean that you are not on the exact same spectrum that they are. Because you clearly are. The mere fact that you consider it reasonable to compare homosexuality to smoking confirms that quite loudly.
Yeah...if I had to choose, I guess I would too. But they’re both a couple of misogynistic old douchebags, so I can’t say I have any real desire to spend time with either one of them.
Yeah, I respect that too, but it doesn’t actually make him any less of a misogynistic POS.
You seem to have a lot of concern for the welfare of a very horrible person. That’s...sweet? I guess?
Wishful thinking, probably.
Starbucks sells breakfast sandwiches. Starbucks’ breakfast sandwiches are mediocre at best. Sriracha makes mediocre breakfast sandwiches taste better.
I agree. While I do think some degree of “must be nice to just be realizing racism is still a thing” is appropriate, the age of social media has made the process of waking up from one’s ignorance and moving into a more evolved headspace a pretty unforgiving process. Of course no one should be delicately taking his…
Yeah...there are definitely some weird undertones here with regard to gendered power dynamics. Like...when a dude is walking around wearing a shirt with a confrontationally sexualized image of a woman on it, it’s definitely going to make a lot of women uncomfortable, and something about it feels like a passive…
If I saw some dude walking down the street in one of these shirts, my first thought would definitely be: “Now THAT looks like a champion for the dignity of women everywhere!” I totes wouldn’t cross the street to avoid his creepy ass, either.
Obama: I am overwhelmed with emotion at seeing my little girl grow up and take on the world, and I don’t want to make her big day about me.