
And instead just talks about how much he’d like to bone his daughter if she weren’t his kid.

“The kids went there to see the plants,” said Chris Beck, a father of one of the children, to The Guardian. “She ambushed my son’s field trip.”

“Right now murder is hot, that’s what everyone wants, that’s what the competition wants, and we’re trying to beat out the other networks to get that perfect murder story.”

“In the countersuit, he claims that “her words...hurt his relationships, finances, and health.” At the time of the investigation, Skorzewski was married.”

The question I was answering was not: “why do sites like Jez spend more time bashing actresses than actors?”, though even if that had been the question, I do believe it would still boil down to the fact that women are judged more harshly and unfairly than men overall in patriarchal cultures (such as ours), and even

Tig Notaro is my everything.

Lip sync battles irritates the fuck out of me, because the concept was basically stolen whole-cloth from drag culture and then watered down for a mainstream hetero audience who are largely ignorant of that fact. Instead of lip sync performance as an essential queering of pop culture as a means of interacting with said

This is so true, and I find it hilarious, because even a lot of the tough, macho action stars that bro dudes like to fawn over are often grown-up theater kids themselves who’ve just learned how to market themselves as tough guys as a conscious career choice. So many of us so often forget that folks who act for a

I ship it.

But he actually wasn’t using his phone as a translator. all. By his own admission.

Because patriarchy.

I always thought Carrie was a self-centered asshole, and I was happy that Aiden didn’t end up with her for his sake. Then again, I was hate-watching that show from the very start, and I didn’t think any of the characters were particularly likable at the end of the day.

Yeah, in any cat and mouse game, I think most of us can agree that the mouse has the far, far shittier end of the deal than the cat does.

I wonder if Dave has read this. I want Dave to read this. I don’t think I have a clear answer either, but what I do have is a clear desire for Dave to ask himself: “Did I rape someone?”