As long as I have Martha, I have no need for Paula. But, butter? Butter can always stay.
For all its popularity, I don't know a single person who watches it.
right...i would be like parents were in the neighborhood watch...we didn't live in the city
yes i am an "urban-suburban" all of my white friends from college all grew up in trailers so when they came to pick me up once for an alumnae event they were like whhhhaaaaa success u never told us u lived in a all like ummmm its not but just has 2 stories o.O
The original valley!
What about those outdoor malls that "re-create" small towns yet somehow erase all the uniqueness and character of small town centers? You know, with a 7-story parking lot.
I've been hearing about this shit for two days now thanks to my girlfriend, who is goddamned obsessed. She also claims that for some reason, the author refers to Gryffindors or Slytherins as "Gryffindor Hats" and "Slytherin Hats" which bothers me WAY more than it has any right to, like a persistent nail dragging…
Mods allow players to add nearly anything they want to The Sims 4—and this includes stuff that could be considered…
I rewatched the whole movie the other day, and dead-ass, the entire film is a metaphor for black cultural oppression in the US. And everyone kind of missed it. I think I want to write an article about it.
this describes me to a T. When you discover the term be sure to let me know!
I remember once this white lady called me an urban youth which confused me because I grew up in Montgomery County, Maryland. Home of Lynda Carter and one of Hootie's Blowfish.
"...but I'm just an urban. What do I know?"
Friends, readers, ladyfolk, I believe we are being trolled. I believe we are being trolled by major newspapers and…
Why don't these people play the sims?!
This has been on my mind for the longest time. Many a time white men have shown anger more than any other emotion. Just go on Tinder. It's extremely easy to piss off a white dude there. But white men have the privilege of being seen as complex human beings who aren't defined by one emotion. Not only that, white men…
"The Quickest Way to Out Yourself as a Racist."