
Oh, I keep them in the whole time - I find it prevents both nausea AND boring conversations with strangers.

Can anyone recommend a good Tai Chi video that’s not too hippy-ish or mystical. Asking a lot, I know. I like martial arts, but instructors can get a little “culty” for my tastes.

What I need to know is: Has Fung Lum at SFO really closed? It’s still on the SFO web site, but Yelp says it is closed. Mamma needs her dim sum.

One of the biggest gaming cons is in Indiana:

My wifi is mostly great in my small condo unit, but I do have issues with the Internet going down (just for a second) when the ancient door buzzer that is connected to my phone rings. (possibly also the buzzer of people near me, but I’m not positive). Would a dual band router or a phone on another band solve this?

I’ve expanded that- I don’t buy any browns or navies. Only black/white/grey and colors that match well with the former, like chartreuse, wine, turquoise and steel blue.

Not a personal recommendation, but my library has this one, which got a good review in Publisher’s Weekly:

This sounds pretty tasty, if possibly messy, but don’t call it a burger. Framing things as substitutions for less healthy foods makes me feel deprived. It’s like those “crustless pizzas”— bitch, please! It’s a casserole (hot dish in Minnesota). Casseroles are tasty in their own right, don’t frame them as something

I have that on my Samsung blu-ray.

I like it for chopping fresh cilantro.

My Kiplinger belt bag is very sturdy and comfortable, I wear it all day long:

Funny, I was just thinking of fixing some shoes. I am lucky to have a good cobbler. My heels are worn so much on the outer side that I’m wobbling. Does anyone know why that happens? I think I was told it was because sidewalks are a little raised at one end.

Yes- I’ve had my Doc Martin oxfords since the 90s, still look great.

Since the article is about vegan salads, it doesn't mention the best, heartiest, most satisfying salad ingredient: fresh mozzarella:

A weird side effect of ordering groceries —vI now toss out old food every 2 weeks to make room for the old. I used to have a terrible problem with having a lot of outdated food in the fridge, because I'm squeamish & don't like to touch it, even with gloves. Now, since groceries come every 2 weeks, I usually toss

For my belt bag. I use sense of touch. Cheaters=satiny case, flash drive =microfiber bag, backup battery=cotton bag, Freedompop=velvety bag.

Yes, I am all about the black & gray, and buy nothing that is dark brown or navy.

I like the look, but I don't know if wood would hold up in my swampy bathroom with no vent .