
When’s the movie coming out? Or will it be a Netflix series: White Is The New Black?

If it makes you feel better, I’m white, and I think she’s a freaking lunatic. As does every white person I’ve talked to.

Her career and $$$ came from her lies about her experiences as a Black woman.

Because she benefited financially and professionally by using the appearance of a POC, appropriating their lived experiences, while retaining the ability to set it aside it at any time and reassume the privilege of being white. She also lied, appropriated the lifestyles of other groups and appears to have faked death

Some other sites have reported that police think it’s likely that she sent herself racially motivated hate mail (like pictures of being lynched, etc.), possibly for attention (?), and it’s not like she’s just appropriating hairstyles and clothing, but tweeting and talking things based on cultural experiences she did

Yeah, the husband. Did he know? Was he in on it, or has she been doing this to her entire family?

They were contacted by a reporter. Apparently they’re estranged and had no idea the lies she was telling about herself, and about them.

Dolezal’s reverse passing—new term! new term!—

It’s almost like a real life sequel to Soul Man, only not as offensive, but still offensive, and confusing. It’s what happens when Ang and Spike Lee co-direct a film together. so many questions.

My (very white!) dad has a Masters degree from Howard University in African Studies. (he was living and working in DC, and wanted to go into the foreign service, so he got a masters locally...then he had to go to Vietnam and decided “eh that’s ok, foreign service is not for me.”)

“Her thesis presented an inner journey of what goes on inside the mind of a black male...”

I want an exclusive interview with her spray tanner.

it would be weird if a gawker media writer went to a HBCU because he liked rap music

The comments on this page are absolutely fucking ridiculous

Jonronson: “Now that we know she’s white, it’s time to roll out the benefit of the doubt.”

a man feeling like she was meant to be a woman BIOLOGICALLY is not the same as a white woman feeling like she can identify with African american history and their struggle. Identify with it so much that she wants to turn into a black person to co-opt the racial struggle that they face.

Her kind of not rare. There are plenty of white people who want to be minorities because they want to feel exotic. Their lives are so boring that they have to mimic other culture to put some spice in their life.

Well, when I was arrested for arson, I told the judge I identify as a dragon, and burning shit up is what I do. He was cool with that.

Considering she has never said that and has just said she was black. Yes it is up to us to say she is ‘lying’.

Wow. Just wow.