
So what. They are both adults

Jog on company shill

How about you fuck off now turd. Noone cares about what you think company shill

And do you think saying wypipo is funny??

Thank you

Dickhead I’m not english to start. You should just shut up before you stick your foot futher down your own throat.

Hey yanks are just as stupid, people harrased US soap villains all the time on the street etc. Don’t doubt the stupidity of your own people. People are idiots no matter the nationality

Also for the Americans, the British don’t even consider themselves (well at least don’t like to think of themselves 😝) as European. Continental Europe and the British Isles are very different, thats one thing for sure. Also every country in Europe are their own entity, Europe is not homogeneous in culture or in

Bang on. I live in Sweden so I actually know what you are talking about

Umm, check a little thing called FN in France. It is now the largest party in France regionally. Tell me if you think they are marginalised

Not at all. Generalising anything shows a lack of intelligence.

Bang on. An adult is actually commenting for a change

Thank you


Yeah but generalising helps more? I don’t think so. Grow up

Beautiful, thank you. That woman is an idiot

Stop being a mutton pretending to be a lamb

What’s wrong with you? Some of the women’s mma is some of the best fighting I’ve seen in a long time. Sexist

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If you’re older than 18, never use the word bae.