I’m not, I’m saying I won’t lose any sleep over it.
I’m not, I’m saying I won’t lose any sleep over it.
Yeah, let’s all feel bad for stealing from old, rich white dudes.
I get absolutely none of it from YouTube, but thanks for playing. You have already displayed your ignorance, do you really want to keep playing?
Apparently you’re a corporate shill, or too stupid to understand how this works.
Pretty much. Because fuck them.
Invest in sweaters, a good heater and GTFO. Bye bye fair weathered friend.
Weather is so nice here. I’m from Texas and it ain’t bad. I think it just has a bad rep.
It’s a braw warm 9 degrees centigrade the noo, nearly bikini weather
I imagine he would tell her what a terrible failure as a woman she is and that her husband is only a philanderer because she’s “not a 10".
You see that ad with all those ugly broads repeating my statements?! Not one of them was as bangable as my daughter Ivanka.
Trump response will probably along the lines of “none of the women in the ad are attractive.”
Black people acting like Fox News is representative of all white people is like white people assuming Tyler Perry is the pinnacle of black culture. Really pretty dumb and a sign of not being exposed to much outside of their specific circle.
It might be a dated specific reference, but the general point stands. Plenty of musicians wear clothes that originally had some political symbolism and nobody asks them to answer for what that symbolism meant 40+ years ago.
Shhhh. If a white liberal lady calls out other white people she gets precious minority points while she ethnically cleanses...I mean...gentrifies Brooklyn
Right? I am old, I am white, and Beyonce referencing the Black Panthers made me giggle.
I didn’t even know the video existed until I saw this post. Watched video. Didn’t get it, didn’t care about it. Went back to eating my rice pilaf. Frankly I feel bad for anyone that can be offended by a music video. White or black.
It is super corporate though. Because Beyonce is super corporate, and at this point she’s really more of a brand than a real person. Every aspect of her public image is carefully calculated and controlled. So naturally her activism is too, or her feminism. There’s nothing organic or authentic about her. But that’s the…
Do people still wear Che T-Shirts? That seemed like a ‘90s thing that maybe had enough sticky tape residue to last over to the early 2000s.