A $1,700 STROLLER?!?!?! Does it feed and change the baby, too?
A $1,700 STROLLER?!?!?! Does it feed and change the baby, too?
yes one hundred times yes
Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks
You got it all wrong. That’s what the population of some liberated countries, singularly France, did to women who had intimate relationship with German troops (whether tariffed sex or love stories). I never heard about it being done to German women, and I doubt it happened (German people had other fish to fry by…
Feminism has found its Tea Party
No. Can’t tolerate different viewpoints and it’s not just the consent stuff, they also want trigger warnings and to police professors and what they can and can’t teach, lest these delicate flowers be exposed to any form of thinking that doesn’t mesh 100% with their ideology. They’re like the feminist taliban.
“symbolically incoherent” is a phrase that a lot of college students need to have in their head when they plan their activism, just saying.
What bums me out most about this is that the question of consent laws, “spheres of victimhood” and the worry about infantilization is SUCH an important and interesting one (and…
This is really ridiculous. I’m all for college students speaking out against abuse or hate speak, but this was simply a critically thinking professor who has a different stance/opinion than some other campus feminists. Feminism is not a monolith! We are all allowed to have different feminist beliefs!!
Once again proving that college students have WAY too much time on their hands.
You can encourage your country to send troops to stop these monsters. The Iraqis have shown zero will to fight. Even when they outnumber the enemy and have better equipment, they simply give up and leave the new guns, tanks, and vehicles for ISIS. Nothing short of troops on the ground is going to fix this.
The Rock ( <3 ) and the actress that plays his wife in “San Andreas” are both 43. I respect that. I’m not tryna see that jarring combination of leathery old man skin and pristine 22-year-old woman skin all smushing together.
I was commenting to my husband how nice it was to see a real adult lady cast as a a desirable woman instead of some 20-something. And she was HOT without trying to “look younger.”
A google search determining that Tom Hanks was not in Mrs Doubtfire would have taken less time than writing that comment.
Tom Hanks wasn’t in “Mrs. Doubtfire.”
Watching the show I could not take my eyes off of her. I had a similar inability to control the male gaze watching Mary Steenbergen on Justified. Well, and everything else that she has ever done, but also Justified.
I agree with hole heartedly. While some people glom on to the “garage sound” aesthetic of the time, there were many bands doing great music that were the antithesis of hair metal, but we're still good songwriters. Soundgarden wrote infinitely more interesting music during the same time, and we're way different from…
Can I say “neither” in that argument and vote for Soundgarden? Because I really don’t like either of them.
100% agree. it’s sort of odd to even try calling it sexist to hate Courtney Love, I mean it’s like saying everyone who hates Margret Thatcher is a misogynist.