
"Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. "Asian-American," please.

I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.

Seriously. I have heard her in a sound check when they are crafting her "sound" and she's not that much different than Taylor in the voice department. There's a reason people put up with the absolute lunacy of Whitney and Mariah, pure talent can make up for almost anything.

Beyonce is talented. Her music is shit. It's a whole John Mayer syndrome.

The 21st Century - nobody cares about a good performance.

Racism is very prevalent here (mostly towards aboriginals though, although blacks and others in Toronto/Montreal have a long list of grievances) but as a dual citizen with experience in both countries, I respectfully disagree. I don't want to sound smug, and I don't think making this comparison is helpful to the

So, POC means black only? Okay...

He might look better bald.

Him along with 50% of other men.. you simply sound petty.

Take a chill pill. Its an attractive dude. THATS IT.


Ugh. No. I mean, whyyyy ... and also, there is no point.

Balding is no big deal. The background history sucks though!

A lady in Stockton who banned felons from her dating pool would have slim pickings, indeed.

Some of them *were* pretty gross though. I have actually had guys tell me they were "really into (only) white girls" and it was pretty creepy. I suppose things like this video is useful if people want to talk about the difference between saying creepy things and saying things that are just cloddish or weird.

That's a Norwegian letter, the Swedish spelling would be Björn...