It wasn’t Australian slang, it was slang they made up for the film.
It wasn’t Australian slang, it was slang they made up for the film.
Yeah shit, heaven forbid another country has other cultural reference points. Also the accents are not thick at all
Typical yank
Oh yes I hate that Charlot Duboc. She’s an ignorant wench
Don’t tar all by the same brush. You wouldn’t like the same said about all Americans. Don’t be a moron
A bit too hyperbolic there. It was the same with the Balkan war. It will calm down until the next major conflict
Yes very true. Living in Europe as an Australian I hear the same shit, as in ‘your country is so racist etc and we here are just so high and mighty and know better than you people, you should be more like us....blah, blah, blah’. They love to say welcome refugees etc just as long as they don’t end up anywhere near…
Oh you are a moron and it’s doesn’t make you cool or clever. You don’t have the right to tell anyone what to do listen or watch. People are free to do whatever they want, you are acting as thought police. I would just tell anyone that the film was mediocre and don’t blame me if it was shit or non-factual
Are people actually surprised it was like this? Have anyone actually seen the clips of Harvey talking about anything? The guy is an absolute moron without a clue and I just don’t get his appeal. He’s an outdated relic from another era and he wasn’t ever cool even in his own era, he was never funny in the least, just…
And when did they drop a single and Lp???? 1987. I didn’t ask about when they formed
The few leaked tracks from Detox I have heard were okay, nothing drastically different from his earlier style but still Dre (ha), now I don’t know what the fuck is up with his sound
Get off idiot
You obviously weren’t around if you think PE dropped in 82... Try 87 sonny jim
Exactly!!!! So everyone was just releasing singles???? Bullshit, this was 87-88 there were a shit load of albums released before then and a load of proto-gangster rap ie; Schoolly D s/t first Lp, Ice-T Rhyme Pays, BDP Criminal Minded, Just Ice Back to the Old School, Too Short Born To Mack and many more well known and…
Two thumbs up for that
Yeah that Dre album is absolutely arse, isn’t it? 20 years for an album after Dre presents The Aftermath..
No the correct answer is PiL
I always love this as Barbarian is actually a Kull story, and Kull is actually a Conan story...and Destroyer is actually quite close to a Howard story
Thank you